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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.19.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Man, I can't wait for these replacement refs to leave and we can get the real ... oh, right. The zebras blew it big time last night on Monday Night Football. Patriots' tight end Rob Gronkowski was bear-hugged in the end zone by Panthers' linebacker Luke Kuechly. That's a penalty. Only question was whether it was holding or pass interference, but the excuse of "uncatchable" isn't applicable. At the very least it was holding, even if the ball was thrown to the corner of the end zone. And, seeing that the receiver was physically impeded from going after the ball, it was pass interference. A textbook case. If that's not pass interference, I don't think it exists. Patriots got ripped off. Now let's all read referee Clete Blakeman's explanation of why the flag was picked up and have our football brains simultaneously combust. What. The. What?!:
There were two officials that came in. One was the umpire and the other one was our side judge and there was a discussion at that point as to the, in essence, the catchability of the ball due to its location. So it was determined at that point in time that when the primary contact occurred on the tight end that the ball, in essence, was coming in underthrown and in essence it was immediate at that point intercepted at the front end of the end zone. So there was a determination that, in essence, uncatchability, that the ball was intercepted at or about the same time the primary contact against the receiver occurred.
   *Horrible weekend for the referees, considering the personal-foul penalty on Ahmad Brooks for his shoulder-neck hit on Drew Brees also cost the 49ers a victory in New Orleans. Some day, some way, we'll eliminate the sacred "human element" out of officiating in all sports. And sports will be a better place.

   *For all you haters convinced Tony Romo is the biggest choker in the NFL, the last two days with Robert Griffin III and Tom Brady prove that bad decisions and horrible throws happen to the best quarterbacks at the worst times.

   *Monta Ellis, take a bow. And, while you're at it, a couple more shots. He was dazzling in the Mavs' ugly win over the Sixers. More importantly, he was efficient. 24 points and 10 assists, on only 14 shots. So far, so great on Dallas' off-season acquisition.

   *Bullying is real. In middle school we had a guy who would walk up to your desk and snap your pencil in half, just to see if you'd react. And my step-son had a couple run-ins with a classmate who would demand his lunch money, or else. But aren't the once-per-week stories of bullying in sports starting to wear thin? I'm prepared to morph into my grandparents and anoint this "video game generation" as a bunch of whiny crybabies. Sorry, in life you have to get off the couch. There is no pause button. There are no secret weapons at your fingertips. And, no, you can't simply erase your mistakes or change your environment with the tap of a re-set button. It's life. A coach might grab your facemask. A boss might dog-cuss you. And, yes, a co-worker might cause you to lose your job. You can bitch and moan, or you can learn and move on. Funny thing is, doesn't every generation think the one after it is soft? And, aren't they all correct?

   *Tell me this is real. Because I want to believe this is real. Either way, I'm closer to being in the holiday spirit.



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  1. So Greggo was the reason you lost your job?? I thought it was because of show ratings? That's what Spittle said.

    Based on this snide comment, it is still abundantly clear that you have not gotten over your firing, and you still blame Greggo. I have come to realize that you may NEVER get over this traumatic event in your life. Even with Sybil and your new business venture, Pizza Buzz, to help take your mind off of it, that tiny cinder of resentment still burns out.....and always will I'm afraid. I really think you should consider getting professional help you put this behind you.


    1. Where in the article did Greggo's name appear? You seem to have a high school crush on him. You obsession with him is kinda girlish. Maybe you should try counseling to get over your obsession.

    2. Pretty sure - evidenced by this blog and TV on NBC and Pizza Buzz - that I've "gotten over" my firing from The Fan.

    3. No you haven't....or you would not keep mentioning it. Maybe is Freudian...maybe its not....but either way, you are not over it. Get help and save us any more mention of it please.


    4. Hey dumb ass Anon 11:19. Maybe you need to read the article a little closer before you start calling me out.

      "And, yes, a co-worker might cause you to lose your job"

      The coworker mentioned was Greggo. RW is the one who brought him up....not by name, but either way, he brought him up. Thus his need for counseling.


    5. Hey Dave.... He never mentioned his name, you did. I think your crush on Greggo is cute. And you are the last, the very last person that should be suggesting counseling. Since your only way to reply to people is to curse them or at them, you need counseling more than RW.

    6. Anonymous 12:12...
      I'm sorry if I offended you, maybe you are just "special" and can't read so good...

      He mentioned Greggo....whether he said his name or not is irrelavant....and I just call it like I see em'.... don't accuse me of something I did not start and I won't cuss at you. Just admit that I was right and we can both move forward.


    7. Correction: "irrelevant"


    8. Considering that your Greggo post was the first of the day, yeah, I'd say you started it. But then again, from what I read of your posts, you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

    9. I started nothing....just because I was the first one to comment on something RW posted doesn't mean I started it. I can certainly "take it" when I am in the wrong....hell, I will be the first to admit it....but you calling me out for mentioning Greggo when he was clearly alluded to by RW is just flat out wrong.


    10. Correction2: so well.

    11. Thanks...yes that is the correct grammatical expression.


    12. Dave, if you don't care for the opinions expressed on this here blog by RW then perhaps you should stop reading this here blog. It obviously upsets you. Just a thought.


  2. Correction: "resentment still burns HOT"


  3. Another ridiculous comparison comparing Romo to Tom Brady. Once again, Romo can't hold Brady's jock. Brady is a champion, Romo is a great video game QB that puts up empty numbers and can't elevate the people around him.

    Comments like this are the reason why you are no longer on DFW radio.

    1. Taking it a tad out of context don't you think? I didn't say Romo was as good as Brady. Nobody believes that. I wrote that Brady's failure last night was similar to a Romo mistake of the past. That's it. And, do you really think I'm not in DFW radio any longer because I'm a fan of Tony Romo. Think about how ludicrous that statement really is.

    2. Commentary about Brady by RW shows how little he either knows about football or just how much he feels the need to support Tony Romo. Brady made a smart play. The refs messed it up. Brady saw his TE being held in the end zone. He threw the ball in his direction expecting the penalty; a flag was thrown. As the game cannot end on a penalty by the defense, he would have had another chance to get the ball into the end zone. Romo does not have the "game sense" to make plays like that. He is too slow-whitted (spelling error done on purpose).

    3. Nice theory, except that Brady didn't see his TE being held and then throw the ball. Watch the game. The ball was halfway to it's destination when the hold happened......

    4. The hold started at the front of the end zone and continued on through. I watched it closely.

    5. Anonymous @2:39 - Here's Brady's quote. You can call him whatever names you like since you obviously know better than the guy who threw the football...

      "It wasn't a great throw. No excuses," Brady said, according to the Boston Herald. "It should have been a better throw."

  4. Great "HOT" choice today!

  5. Believe or not some young men can grow real hair Whitt and grow it long. Just because you have hair plugs stuffed in your scalp does not mean that that the players in the NFL with long dreads do.

    1. You have no idea what a hair extension is do you?

    2. So you really think all that long hair sticking out of football helmets is real? Oh you poor thing.

  6. I can't have any empathy for the Patriots not getting a call. However the way Tom Brady handled it in the post game comments and interview was classy and professional. I wished I acted with that much grace all the time. I do believe the DB had that read and would have broken the play up or intercepted it anyway but the LB did hold and it would have been nullified if the call was made. I'm headed to North Fort Worth Richie, got my pizza ready?

    1. Brady wasn't so "classy" when he dropped an F-bomb on the ref headed off the field, but publicly you're right he was professional.

  7. Please, Pats, cry me a river. "Tuck rule." Holding (more like clotheslining) non-call last year vs. Saints. Boo hoo.

  8. It should be a punishable offense for a grown adult to say they are "bullied".

    We really have grown into a nation of thin-skinned pussies constantly searching for our reason to be offended ...

  9. Need to start proof reading/clicking your links dude. Not very professional.

    1. King of the "HTTP 404 Not Found" huh?

    2. No more like we'd like to click the links at work but when you do sometimes you get flagged for p-graphy. Thanks RW!!!!
