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Friday, November 22, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.22.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Jerry Jones announcing that head coach Jason Garrett will be back in 2014 should surprise no one. Nor should anyone be shocked if he changes his mind. If you don't think the headline-grabbing pronouncement was a planned counter-punch to the Rangers' signing of Prince Fielder, then you don't know Jerry Jones. But before you start making reservations to meet Garrett in Oxnard next summer, just remember that once upon a time - known as 2010 - Jerry claimed that Wade Phillips' job was safe because "I've never changed coaches in the middle of a season, and I never will change coaches in the middle of a season." Two weeks later Phillips was fired. Despite Jerry's ploy on Thursday, Garrett's job should be - and is - on the line in this season's final six weeks.

   *How good has Monta Ellis been for the Mavericks? He's already the best free-agent signing in the Mark Cuban era. In the last three seasons no Mav had a game of at least 32 points and 8 assists. He's done it twice in this season's first 12 games. Ellis and Dirk Nowitzki, by the way, are the NBA's third most prolific duo. I'll give you the details over at NBC 5's Sports Blog.

   *Using next year's "Football Four" college football playoff and this year's teams, we'd be looking at semifinals of Baylor-Alabama in the Rose Bowl and Florida State-Ohio State in the Sugar Bowl, with the winners meeting at AT&T Stadium. Deliciously fake.

   *During a break from watching Sybil emcee an award-winning "What's In Your Pocket?" scavenger hunt at Blue Martini last night, I sneaked a peek at Stars-Rangers. As you know I don't watch a lot of hockey. And I was reminded why. In a 60-minute game there were 63 face-offs. Imagine if there were that many jump-balls in an NBA game.

   *Some self-anointed experts - like somebody at named Adam Schein - predicted a Texans-Falcons Super Bowl this season. Those teams are a combined 4-17. My picks: Broncos-Niners. Still doable.

   *As usual the weatherfolks over-exaggerated this "Arctic Blast!" Expecting to go outside in sub-freezing temps and dig the car out from under a foot of wintry mix, instead I awoke in McKinney to zero precipitation, cloudy and 38 degrees.

   *Lots of right-wingers trying to compare Obamacare to Hurricane Katrina as an "American tragedy." Katrina - and a certain President's slow response to it - killed 1,800 people and did $80 billion worth of damage. Obamacare is good intentions plagued by a bad website. Please stop.



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  1. RW...not trying to take a shot, but that pic of Jerry shows a hairdo remarkably similar to the one you were sporting on Ch. 5 last week. As for the whataburger/squash debate, you lost. She got what she wanted, you got nothing.

    1. He actually got leftovers and a recliner in front of the warm fire.

  2. Basketball may not have jump balls like hockey has faceoffs but they certainly have enough timeouts to make up for it. Good blog overall today.

  3. Knowing you're lacking in hockey knowledge I'll forgive you for missing this, the Stars added Tyler Seguin to their roster this offseason. He's tied for 4th in the NHL in goals scored.

  4. Excellent blog today Richie except for the one paragrah regarding our incompetent President and his brilliant Obamacare policy. Obamacare will prove to be worse than Katrina someday!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The comparison between Katrina and Obamacare originated at the New York Times and was quickly picked up by MSNBC. It wasn't the doing of right-wingers.

    But, there is no comparison between the two. Obamacare is a manmade disaster created by an incompetent President and administration. I agree. Please stop.

  7. Mayoy Ray Nagin is to be blamed for Katrina Richie. Who by the way is about to stand trial for countless charges and then be bused off to fereral prison. :)

    1. Actually Gov. Kathleen Blanco should bear a lot of the responsibility. She is the one that refused to have the LA National Guard be federalized and also resisted federal troops moving into NO.

  8. Just in case there is any question on where the comparison was first made.

  9. How many times do they go to the line of scrimmage in a football game? How long is the average puck drop vs hiking the ball finally after multiple changes on both sides?
    Just asking. Oh delay of game because we can't get our shit together? Might as well go get another beer and some tamales. Now a time out. They get three of these things unless they win a challenge or two. And that is one half. Hockey gets one that is not always used in a game. Oh and we get to stop down to look at plays too. Hockey has a whole room of officials pouring over alllll the available shots of the replay while the NFL is at the mercy of ...well exactly who provides what they look at and how do they determine what they get? Yeah, football is soo much faster paced than hockey.
    Let's not discuss baseball. No, let's not discuss hack fouls to slow down a game in the NBA. No, let's focus on a game we don't really like anyhow.

    Squash is pretty good, but not as a main course. I can't say I blame ya.

    For purely selfish reasons I want the Cowboy's to win this weekend so I don't have to listen to 3 days of post-mortem and angst.

    1. Don't forget 3 minutes worth of commercials every 3 snaps. Or before a kickoff and then after a kickoff. So speedy!

    2. A study was done a few years ago that showed that in an average football game, there's 12-13 minutes of actual action in every regulation game.

      You now, compared to at least 60 minutes in every hockey game.

  10. Replies
    1. Thinly sliced and cooked slowly on the stove. Add plenty of salt!

    2. Yeah but not at 11:30 PM with a few adult beverages in you and the siren call of the Whataburger taquito bellowing at you.

  11. Quick question on the Buzz offer: Do your guys have electrically heated pizza bags? You're 47.7 miles as the car travels to Frisco and I'd hate to buy $200 worth of cold, soggy pizza. Throw out some comfort words that you'll have the same quality 5 minutes away vs. 1 hour 30 minutes away and we might give you a shot.

  12. RW-I admittedly know nothing about how Pizza Buzz is currently doing after the first several weeks of business. But the decision to deliver anywhere in the Metro has a desperate feel to it. And it's got bad idea written all over it. So you have to keep a certain amount of drivers on staff to meet the demands of whatever customer calls up wanting to order a pizza and six-pack. But then Joe Blow in Mesquite calls up and decides he wants $200 worth of pizza for him and his buddies. You're going to take a driver out of the rotation for 2+ hours for $200 worth of pizza sales? Dude that idea is short-sighted. In that time that driver is out he could have delivered many other orders to patrons in your immediate area who likely will order again if you do it right.

  13. What weather do you watch? The two I watched called for exactly what we're seeing today. Temps in the mid 30s all day with rain and a chance of sleet further west. In my book, they got it exactly right.

    And you totally whiffed on the Katrina/O-care comparison, which was more in the context of a political albatross to be hung around the neck of Obama as Katrina was for Bush, rightly or wrongly in either case. As others have mentioned, this started at the NY Times which is about as far left as you can get, present company excepted, of course, and have never once been referred to as "right-wingers," although I am well aware that that is you're simple-minded narrative.

    And I don't guess you've been following along much lately if you think the only thing wrong with O-care is a bad website, which incidentally they had three years and $300 million plus to get right. However the website it is ironically emblematic of the entire law.

    As far as Garrett, I'm sure he will get fired, but don't believe that he should. I'm still one who thinks he is a good coach with a bright future and the potential to win championships. Problem is it won't happen here, and not just for him, but for anybody as long as the current GM is still calling the shots. When do we all begin to see that it's not coaching, but the players (as a whole) who just aren't very good? Dallas is doomed to mediocrity at best as long as Jones is here regardless of who he hires as head coach.

    1. 3 college students built a working Obamacare website in 3 days.

  14. Incredibly naive to believe that Obamacare is driven by good intentions. It's driven by the desire of the left to have a single payee (the government) health care system. The stuff will really hit the fan in January 2015 when the mandates hit employer paid plans. Premiums and deductables will skyrocket for just about everyone.

  15. RW, you know nothing about Obamacare, but everybody else does.

    1. Yes, do a little research and you might see why he's out numbered here.

    2. Yes, you do some research too.

  16. Nothing like having to ask for permission to stop at Whataburger.....AND being denied......before the wedding date even arrives.

  17. So, you turn 50 next year and you still dress like a doucher? Dude, just stop. It's embarrassing.

    1. It's really cute that you obsess over what RW wears. Any other fetishes?

    2. Yeah, I enjoy a little horse porn too. You?

    3. Who cares? You must have no life if you worry how someone dresses. Get over yourself and spend your energy on something else.

    4. 6:11, you must have even less of a life to worry about someone who you perceive worries about how RW dresses.....or even worse, to wander the web defending some aging adolescent with hair plugs, earrings, holy jeans and a wide array of Affliction T-shirts. Sounds like a long-held man crush.

    5. 611, he's engaged. However if you were to give him the okay to go to Whataburger, you could have an outside shot. You never know.

  18. Who cares if Garrett is coming back, who else are you going to hire? Only Cowboy fans still think this is a good job. The Dallas Cowboys job is one of the worst in sports. Cowboys still live in this delusion that they are "America's Team" when in fact they are "Americas Train Wreck" that people tune in simply to watch what a train wreck looks like. Gruden or Cower aren't taking this job, well maybe if you payed them 10 million+ a season. We all know Jerry is way to cheap to go that high. Hell Kevin Sumlin or any good college coach isn't taking this job. While Garrett has no idea how to coordinate an offense or make in game decisions, Garrett is however pretty good at getting the team ready during the week. Garrett is staying and who cares as this is a dead end job.

  19. Richie you're going to need to add some great micro brews to get me to order.

    1. I am spending more money on health care insurance. I don't have the extra money for take out pizza or delivered beer.

    2. Join the club, 8:19. Mine has almost doubled since the government now requires me to carry a bunch of crap I absolutely do not need, don't want and will never use.....oh, and with higher deductibles too. I thought the average family was supposed to save $2,500 a year on premiums according to promises from the president? Just another lie......


  20. Anybody know why the price of george bush juice has jumped 25 cents overnite? Remember back before Bush became President how gas would fluctuate maybe 5 to 10 cents, but stayed fairly consistent level for extended periods of time, never constantly threatening the American economy? Like I said, before George Bush and the greedy Republican managed oil companies.

  21. Richie, with the high cost of george bush juice, it will cost $200 in gas alone to drive to some of these locations! I have to agree, not a wise business decision!

  22. Great call on that Baylor pick. You can get Art Briles cock out of your mouth now.
