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Monday, November 25, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.25.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Score one for Jason Garrett. The Giants did all the talking entering Sunday's game. Antrelle Rolle called it the Giants' Super Bowl. Jason Pierre-Paul promised New York was going to "put it on 'em" and that "blood will be spilled." And cornerback Terrell Thomas guaranteed a victory. Then in pre-game warm-ups the Giants altered their routine, even to the point of having the MetLife Stadium speakers blare dramatic music on cue as they attempted to intimidate the Cowboys at midfield. What did the Cowboys do? They shrugged. They executed. They played better football. And they won. That's why I don't get into identities or want-to or emotion when it comes to sports in general or football in specific. It's about execution. Garrett is calm and collected, and Sunday his team was the better team because of it. And boy does it feel good to shut up folks spewing false bravado.

   *Cowboys 24, Giants 21: My Top 10 Whitty Comments are over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Just as I feared, this "Arctic Blast!" followed perfectly our weatherfolks' blueprint for Overhype 101. They started talking about it a week ago, building interest - if not fear - in an attempt to create TV ratings. Then came the proverbial push-back, the "well, this front is moving slower than we expected." Meaning? The Apocalypse we predicted would arrive on Friday might not get here until Monday, so stay tuned all weekend! Then, of course, comes the Monday morning punch line: Reporters live by highways crowing about "ice forming on these signs!" as cars in the background whiz past at 70 mph. You shouldn't be surprised, but yet another dangerous, epic, newsworthy weather event was, in fact, just a couple days of cold rain.

   *On Sunday I officially became a Tweediot. That is, a person whose desire to talk outweighs the desires of others to hear him. Translation: I've now got more Tweets than Twitter followers. That should be the rule. As soon as you have a Twitter imbalance your account should vaporize. I know we've created this fake environment where we're convinced our every thought and meal and action is of international importance. But, no. If you have 10,742 Tweets but only 137 followers, give it up. No one cares.

   *The Packers and Vikings finished with the same number of points. They say ties are like kissing your sister. Unless your sister is Kate Upton. Then ties are much, much worse than kissing your sister.

   *Sybil mused Saturday night that - because of the cold - she was going to put an extra pair of pants but not an extra pair of shirts. Why are pants plural and a shirt singular, when they both cover two legs and two arms? These days on the bottom we're wearing sweatpants, but on top merely a sweatshirt? At our house these are the conversations that construct pillow talk.



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  1. Observation on the game.....
    If you're not going to use instant replay, then why have it! To not even take an extended look at the Dez CATCH at the 5 yard line in the last two minutes was outrageous. Could have been a HUGE difference in the game!
    Cowboys still aren't running the ball enough. Dunbar and Murray seemed like they were gaining 4-5 yards a pop, but still ignored in key moments.
    Is Morris Claiborne the biggest bust since Rod Hill (I'm dating myself) ? He has, what, 2 INT's in three years? Player picked in the top 10 in the draft and he's basically useless. Now he's hurt all the time. Must hang around with Miles Austin.
    The offense still has major issues. No rhythm, suspect play calling/personnel packages, etc.
    The basis for the majority of the Cowboys problems is that they are the largest collection of STUPID players in the league. It was on full display yesterday. Bruce Carter, Jeff Heath, the ridiculous penalties (Tyron Smith, Ron Leary). I think Jerry needs to take a longer look at Wonderlic scores. If he can spell Wonderlic, that is.
    Thank God for Dan Bailey.

  2. Which QB has the most 4th qtr combacks in the NFL since the start of the 2011 season? Yep, Tony Romo. All you haters suck it.

    1. The QB with the most 4th quarter comebacks in the NFL since the start of the 2011 season....that's like bragging you're the Tennessee Line Dancing Champion. Is it really a record one wants?

    2. Of course - Look up the rest of the names on the list.

  3. The Cowboys stole one in my book. Had it not been for some miraculous strip and more miraculous mid-air recovery and touchdown, then we would be talking about a Cowboys loss instead of a win. It pretty much is the formula for a Cowboys game....close and could have gone either way. The Cowboys are lucky they didn't lose this game, especially giving up almost 200 yards rushing and an offense that had a hard time sustaining drives...except for the last one, which happened to be the one that mattered. Had the Giants got the ball last, then we would probably be breaking down a loss.


    1. Yes. But it could have EASILY have gone the other way. The Cowboys usually win by a squeaker, or lose in a heartbreaker.... Ocaisonally they get blown out or win handily.


    2. But it didn't. They won. Period. There's no style points tie breaker. If New England doesn't score 31 unanswered points and recovers a "miracle" fumble, Denver wins. They didn't. They lost. End of story.

    3. When Dallas loses, it's also in part due to randomness. This team is mediocre, but enjoy this. It was against the trash-talking and terrible Giants.

    4. Dave then am I to assume that the only reason the Broncos beat the Cowboys was luck, a last minute interception that allowed them to win, which by the way they can't seem to beat good teams either they only have 3 wins against teams with a winning record and 2 of those are the Eagles and Cowboys and the last the overrated Chiefs who haven' t beaten anybody of note either. Other than the ass whipping from New Orleans the Boys have been in every game with a chance to win, thats called parity, which is what the NFL wants. Lets be honest it would be great if Romo having a pro bowl type season was the Boys biggest problem, but I'm leaning more towards the fact that 7 players on the defensive side of the ball were at home when the season started. Defense wins championships and the Boys defense try as it may couldn't shut out Aledo.


    5. Totally agree Shelley. The Cowboys are on par (root word of parity) with mediocre teams...of which they are one. I think the Denver game was an exception.....if the Cowboys were to play the Broncos 10 times, they would lose 9 out of 10 and probably by an average of 20 points. This is why, if by the grace of God they do make the playoffs, they will quickly be paired with an elite team (New Orleans, Seattle) and promptly be shown the door....parity be damned.


    6. Don't jump on the bandwaggon Dave during the cboys SB run

    7. LOL.....the Cowboys bandwagon ride, should there be one, will be a rather short one.... I am a Cowboys fan, but not a homer. I hope for the best and expect the worst.....and you can thank Mr. Jones for my lackluster attitude.


    8. Unless Dave, we could play the Broncos 10 times outside in the cold and wind, I believe P. Manning's record in those types of games is 0 for the career.


    9. Explain your mediocrity theory to last years Baltimore Ravens. 10-6 regular season, beat 3 "elite" team to win the SB. You need to study NFL parity closer. No way a 1-15 KC team is 9-2 without it.

  4. Dad used to say,"If your aunt had nuts, she'd be your uncle"....Look around the league yesterday. Probably 7 or 8 games that ONE play could have reversed the outcome. Go ask Lions, Dolphins, Texans, Packers, Vikings, Broncos, or Raiders fans if they would have taken a "Lucky" win. It happens every week in the league.

  5. I'm glad everyone is going nuts that Tony Romo beat a 4-6 team. Yes, he's a good quarterback, but these kind of "performances" need to come against conternders, like, say, New Orleans, or Chiefs, or Chargers...

    When you have to come on here every week the Cowboys win to defend how Tony Romo played, and then blame everyone except him when the 'Boys lose, it doesn't really quiet ANY crowd, or help your cause.

    1. And when you come on here and bitch about a win, it doesn't help your hater cause either. I assume you were a big Quincy Carter supporter?

      BTW - do you get more than one win if you beat a contender?

    2. I LOVED Quincy Carter. AND Chad Hutchinson.

      But I don't think that dude was "bitching" about a win.

  6. Vince Vaughn in Domestic Disturbance

  7. Cowboys - Yes, one can say all we did was kick a bad team around, but in this league, a win is a win.

    Finding Bigfoot - saw it once. That's 30 minutes of my life watching staged "reality" TV I'll never get back. We found Saddam Hussein living in a 8x5 hole on the ass end of the universe, but evidently an 8 foot tall roaring wookie that pushes entire trees over when it's pissed is extremely elusive...

  8. Check out Kyle Orton behind Dez in the pic above - pretty funny

  9. can someone explain why we are stylepointing a road win against a division team? yes they are 4-6, but we all know division games are harder to win on the road than others.

  10. In terms of the weather, I'm not surprised that it didn't pan out either. To put it on local reporters angling for ratings is wrong though. Perhaps I would agree if the NWS didn't also have the same forecast. They're not after TV ratings.

    As for a commercial break in the first quarter, something in the rules said they couldn't. They couldn't take a break until the audience from the Packers/Vikings game joined the national broadcast. Of course they played a full overtime period, so there ya go. It was something along those lines.

  11. Somebody who has lost more "money" this season betting on football games is bagging on meteorologists for not being able to thread the needle on a winter storm forecast.
