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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.26.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *If nothing else, your Cowboys are the best team in ... America Texas. The Texans began the season 2-0 and are now 2-9. As for the best college team in the state? Still Baylor. Hey, that means our top two teams have each suffered demoralizing road losses of 49-17 this month. Cowboys to the Saints. Bears to Oklahoma State. Woe is football.

   *Mavs aren't quite there yet. Dominated last night on the boards and in quickness by the Denver Nuggets. First home loss of the season. Not a big deal. But their stubborn reliance upon Vince Carter is a big, bad deal. He was 3 of 13 Monday night, including 0 of 4 on 3-pointers. Every time he shoots a jumper, the Mavs' progress and future gets stunted a little more.

   *As sports - and life - reminds us time and again, it can be a short, swift ride from penthouse to outhouse. Right, Robert Griffin III? Or vice-versa. Right, guy-who-won-the-lottery-and-almost-invested-it-all-with-Bernie-Madoff-but-decided-against-it-at-the-last-minute?

   *From the Dept. of Life Ain't Fair: Derrick Rose is out for the season, again with a knee injury. His other knee. Tore the ACL in his left knee in 2012 and sat out the 2013 season. Now he tears a meniscus in his right knee, undergoes surgery and will miss the rest of 2014. He's one of my favorite players. The NBA is a better league with him in it. With two reconstructed knees, you have a sinking feeling he may never again be the player that won MVP in 2011.

   *There was a time when putting up Christmas lights got me in a festive mood. Put on the holiday music and perhaps don a Santa hat and merrily string lights. But these days I've got such a refined system it only takes an hour. Did it Saturday in the cold and rain - sans music - and, sadly, it just felt like a routine chore more than a scene-setting spirit-lifter. Man, getting old sucks.

   *The Reverend Billy Graham is one of the most righteous, holy, good people on this planet. He's been spreading the gospel for 70 years. But, at 95, the evangelist's health is finally fading. Spent two days in a North Carolina hospital last week with respiratory ailments. If I'm God, I miraculously heal Graham and restore his health to a man aged 25. Allow him to live to be 145, if not older. Then non-believers and/or fence-straddlers would say "Whoa, that's badass! I'm gonna live my life more like him!" Perhaps I'm paraphrasing, but you get the point. Graham's the perfect role model, but his chore of turning hearts, minds and souls toward God becomes a tad more difficult if he's not alive.



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  1. No blogging on the honeymoon. We will survive and you can have the event all to yourself.

  2. I'm sorry Richie, but your "Hot" pic should be a "Not". Terrible

    1. said by guy who probably looks at too much porn

    2. Have to agree with Trey. A pair of boobs does not an attractive woman make.

    3. Trey must be Gay!

  3. Hmm...didn't peg you for a god fearing individual--what are you calling god?

  4. Cue dogpile to say Richie is just bitter his show got cancelled in 5..4..3..2..

    Honeymoon - feel free to take the week off dawg, we'll still be here when you get back.

  5. The only thing about Brian being killed off is that it is a Seth McFarland voiced character, so "Unless, of course, "Brian"'s contract was up and he was making unfathomable requests and simply had to be shown the doggie door" is not the case. I have heard all kinds of things, like he comes back later in the season, so I guess we will see.

  6. No need to blog on the honeymoon - Sybil is far more important than all the ugly mofos on here.

  7. This link - - that Richie posted to his Twitter feed pretty much explains the decision to kill of Brian.....

  8. RATINGS... The FAN went up again in November...

    1. It sure as hell wasn't because of Ben & Skin

    2. Yes they are going up. Hopefully not just because it is cowboys season and they carry the games and Jerry etc. Lets check back in Jan & Feb and see if they start going back down when the season ends....

    3. Looks like the new PD's plan is starting to work the ratings are starting to move in the right direction. B&S were named a top 50 sports talk show and the GBag Nation was voted the best sports show in DFW.

    4. B&S are the most annoying radio personalities in the nation!!!

      I do like GBAG though.

  9. Someone needs to tell B&S's moms to stop posting here...

  10. so, richie only posts rating news when the Fan is tanking? ok, cool. good to know.

    1. Barry Horn hasn't posted the ratings either. Why don't you rip on him?

  11. I like the Ticket but catch myself staying on Ben & Skin mostly. Corby bores the shit out of me. I haven't had to have a bowel movement in months! Check back in for top ten.

  12. Ok, you drew me out. Probably just trolling using ",right?" 6 fucking times today. But I have to call you out on it and ask that you please stop. It's lazy writing and very annoying. It's how 7th grade girls talk. Have some self respect and quit.

    As sports - and life - reminds us time and again, it can be a short, swift ride from penthouse to outhouse. Right, Robert Griffin III? Or vice-versa. Right, guy-who-won-the-lottery-and-almost-invested-it-all-with-Bernie-Madoff-but-decided-against-it-at-the-last-minute?

    ICYMI: Bad week to be a Griffin. Right, Brian? Right, Robert? Whitt's End.

    Nobody in their right mind would kill a show instead of just one character. Right?

    Love me some Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Because we're all on the Island of Misfit Toys, right?

    1. If anybody knows trolling it's you for this post.
