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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.27.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Because the NFL is serious about safety, the Cowboys tomorrow will wear their road blue jerseys at home for the first time since 1964. Teams can wear throwback uniforms, but they must use their regular - "broken in " - helmets. When the Packers and Bears wore their oldies-but-goodies earlier this year they simply stripped the logos off their existing helmets. The Cowboys' traditional Thanksgiving throwbacks featured a white helmet. No go. Last time the Cowboys wore their road blues at home, I was 1 and the game was played at the Cotton Bowl.

   *The Lakers are just flat-out stupid to overpay Kobe Bryant. And the Hall of Famer is selfish for taking it. Every Republican should go out today and buy a Kobe Fathead poster, because he's cemented his legacy as me-over-team. Would he sign a cheaper contract in order to help his fellow man, otherwise known as his teammates? Negatory. The Lakers took their financial freedom from the departure of Dwight Howard and dumped it all on Kobe, as a reward for past performance. He's 35. He's coming off an Achilles injury. He's eating up 40% of their payroll. Think about it. At 36 Tim Duncan signed a three-year extension for $30 million. Kobe just signed for two years and ... $48 million. Who in their right mind would accept a lower salary in order to help his team sign better players to put around him? Duncan, Tom Brady, Dirk Nowitzki and, yes, even LeBron James, who could've made more money to stay in Cleveland. Kobe is a Laker for life. But it's going to a crappy, mediocre life.

   *I'm saying last Sunday's victory over the Giants was one of Jason Garrett's Top 5 road wins. Is it No. 1? I rank 'em over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *If I had a Heisman Trophy vote, I'd cast it for Northern Illinois' quarterback Jordan Lynch. He rushed for 321 yards and three touchdowns in the snow last night, giving him the milestone 20/20 season. 20 scores via arm and 20 more via legs. He's the best, most valuable player in college football. He's got more rushing yards than Alabama running back Mark Ingram had when he won the Heisman in '09. Other recent players to have 20/20 seasons all won the award - Cam Newton, Tim Tebow and Johnny Manziel. But no, sadly, I don't think he has a legit shot because Heisman voters are traditionally a stuffy, narrow-minded lot afraid to t think outside the box.

   *Bora Bora in six weeks sounds delightful, but I also dream one day of standing on the north pole. Temperatures in the spring hover around minus-40 and there is nothing - no, not even polar bears - that can live in the desolate climate. The reward? When standing at the "pole" every step you take, regardless of direction, is south. And if you walk in a 5-foot circle, you've traveled through every time zone on Earth. How many folks can put that on their resume?



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  1. So you really care about how many tweeter followers you have and where you rank in DFW?????? Talk about an inflated ego. Well congrats I guess.

    1. Ummmmm.....Sorry to break this to you but I really believe Richie had is tongue firmly implanted in his cheek here.

    2. Yes, thanks MD, of course I did. Who would really crow about being ranked 514th in anything?

  2. Just because Dez Bryant is prone to fumbling the ball, doesn't mean he's immature. Having some flaw in your game, does not equate to being a bad person. What short-sighted and lazy analysis.

    1. It's not the flaw in his game. It's the refusal to concede the flaw in his game.

    2. What does he have to concede? I'm sure nobody, including Jason Garrett feels worse or angrier about a miscue than he does. It's a matter of trying to improve, and be better, as cliche as that may seem.

    3. Ask his mother if he's immature... if Dez isn't around. Wouldn't want to be an accessory to domestic abuse.

    4. Yes his mother who has been documented to have a drug problem going back a number of years. Guess what happens when people have addictions...their tend to be explosive confrontations. And while Dez has had mishaps, it may have to do to his difficult upbringing an/or his age. The dude is barely 25.

      And again fumbling the ball is not a character flaw as Richie "Lazy Analysis" Whitt points out.

    5. Nope, fumbling is not a character flaw. But as a couple who get it have pointed out, a refusal to admit to fumbling or even address fumbling is a sign of immaturity. Furthermore, I'd counter that "Dez is a beast!" is a tad lazy.

    6. "I think my ball security, in my honest opinion, has been fine," Dez Bryant.

      I would call that failing to concede, and it doesn't sound like he's as torn up about his problem as Jason Garrett is.

  3. First of all, a little thanksgiving is due. Thanks for your work in print and in radio all these years, Richie. That doesn't mean I like you though.

    Agreed on DeMarco Murray running out of bounds. The guy has established himself as a hard runner. We don't need to see him slam into every defender for an extra yard. That's how Marion Barber III ended up out of the league after a very short peak.

    I also agree about Kobe Bryant, one of the most selfish players I've ever seen. A lot of people seem to forget the year he tanked a playoff series against the Phoenix Suns after being up 3-1, just to prove that his teammates needed him. Or that he couldn't get along with Shaquille O'Neal well enough to win more championships together.

    Richie, you may not be enough of a music nerd for this, but you should give The Sing Off a try. For me, it's a much more fulfilling show than The Voice or American Idol. The a cappella community isn't very large, and these folks have real talent. The show has almost no manufactured drama. This season starts December 9th on NBC. I'm familiar with a couple of groups this year: Home Free and Voiceplay. The winner from the previous season, Pentatonix, is from the Arlington area and has nearly stepped outside the genre into the mainstream.

    Later. Enjoy hanging out at your Thanksgiving party with other Christian swingers.

    1. Weirdest Thanksgiving salutation I've ever received. But thanks!

  4. I'm thankful that my girlfriend is finally over food poisoning and home from the hospital after eating Pizza Buzz last week.

    1. Pizza Buzz = explosive diarrhea

    2. Riiiiiiiiiight......and I'm sure you have all the proper documentation to back this up, right?

    3. I had a clogged up American Standard with shit spray all over it as well as a current plumbers bill. So yes you could say I have documentation.

    4. Looks like someone got to use mom's computer again. What troll alias are you using on Twitter today?

    5. Totally believable, because - like anyone would - I'm sure you called Pizza Buzz to 1) Complain; 2) Notify us of what got you sick to prevent others from following suit. Wait, you didn't? Well that's weird.

    6. You'll be hearing from my attorney soon. That won't be weird.

  5. Still waiting for the November Radio Ratings comments RW...

    1. He posts the ratings the first week of every month.

  6. Got it.
    Kobe = Evil Republican
    Duncan = Virtuous Democrat.
    Richie, I think I am with you. Except, to be a real world Democrat, Duncan would have taken Kobe-type money and made every other teammate and management give up compensation for the greater good. There, now things are set up the way real life works in America.

    1. Good to see you buy into and believe false stereotypes.

  7. Kobe/Republicans - may very well be the silliest thing I've seen you write.

    North Pole - good luck with all that, dawg. Let me know how it was. I'm a warm weather boy myself.

    Frisco Gun Club - for the amount you spent at the fetish ball, I helped the local SPCA. I'm not a gun guy, but everyone has their hobbies and charities dude. Just because you have a different preference, doesn't make yours any more righteous than theirs.

  8. So is there any comparison to be made between Kobe's contract and Romo's? And might Romo's be worse, as the NFL has a hard cap? Of course, better to blame the GM/owner for offering those contracts in the first place.

    1. Specifically, what's wrong with Romo's contract?

  9. Let's get off the notion the just because a person can sing or has a good voice, that they have talent. I could go to any baptist church in the metroplex on a Sunday morning and find anywhere from 1 to 5 young people aged 17-24 who have amazing voices.

    These stupid shows like the Sing Off or The Voice or American Idol are just sad. They are targeted at this "participation trophy" generation, who SO longs for affirmation and acceptance.

    Real musical talent is the ability to "create". That is the ability to compose lyrics and music together into something that can move the soul, or challenge the mind.

    Look at some of the most famous and accomplished musicians. Most of them had what we might call "terrible" voices at best. Mick Jagger, Robert Plant, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham are just some examples.

    Chris Martin of Coldplay doesn't have a very strong voice, yet whether you like them or not, he and his band write their own music and lyrics. Their music is original and fresh at least.

    Take Rihanna. Yes, she's smoking hot. Yes, she's got a great voice. But she is nothing more than a slick, packaged record company creation. She has an army of writers and producers behind her that actually churn out her hits. She is just a face. A damn good one at that, but just a face.

    What's happened to music in this country? It is a sad joke. It's all about who can act like the biggest whore, and get the most buzz on twitter. Pathetic.

  10. The Sing Off? Isn't that the show that Andy Bernard tried out for at the end of The Office?

  11. since it's Thanksgiving again I would like to say thanks to Richie for the Dallas Cowboys vs. Washington Redskins ticket last year. at the time it sucked that the Cowboys lost but in retrospect it seems that I witnessed probably the greatest nfl game rg3 will ever play. Thanks again RW. Happy Turkey Day to you & sexy sidekick Sybil! R.I.P RAGE!


  12. I've actually enjoyed reading your blog, but this constant R vs. D and gun bullshit has this reader at the max. Your arrogance proclaiming the Democratic party to be the end-all-be-all is vomitous. And I'm sure FGC members can breathe easy now knowing you won't be "gracing" their doorstep with his eminence. Some ego dude.

    Rest assured the bookmark is gone. Can't wait to show all the FGC members who supports your political hogwash. Should increase sales for everyone here. I'll let them know you own Pizza Buzz too. Should go over swimmingly.

    Enjoy your polorization. That should make for a broad readership...much like a radio show huh?


      Oh, it's polarization.

    2. Have to agree with 6:47 here.....RW's continued adolescent and totally misinformed political bullshit and continued insults have worn thin. It's one thing to make a sane rational argument from an informed perspective, but quite another to log on and have your intelligence insulted by a 50 year old political neophyte with an earring, fake tan, a serious case of the small-man complex and hair plugs. And rest assured that there are plenty of conservatives, Republicans, hunters, gun owners, 2nd Amendment defenders and otherwise "right-wingers" who live in the delivery area of the new pizza joint who are well aware of Richie's political rants as well as his affiliation with the new pizza startup. They won't be ordering and the word is spreading.

      First rule of business......don't insult the clientele. It's bad for business. Your partner should kick your ass.

    3. I would place RW's political opinions right in the Time Magazine spectrum. Like Time, RW opines with a certain "stage 1" thinking, unreflective, filled with misconceptions and prejudices. He opines with immaturity of a high school freshman. He lacks intellectual humility, intellectual integrity, and intellectual perseverance, No big deal there is a market for that writing and opinion. It is not a giant leap to equate RW's political observations with those of Time Magazine readers. And look at whom they, the readers, of Time Magazine are selecting for "Person of the Year" ....Miley Cyrus.

  13. As for your comment about Kobe . . so now it's somehow wrong for someone to try to maximize their income for themselves and their families? And if someone does that, it somehow makes him a Republican? What the hell kind of logic is that?? And unless you have access to all of Kobe's financial records, how do you know how much of his money he shares with others, with charities, etc? The mind and logic of the political liberal never ceases to amaze me.

  14. Hot = Sybil in her undies putting a turkey in the owe it to your fans to give us that pic you bleeding heart libtard lol

  15. The day I find a altruistic and charitable politician, Democrat or Republican, is the day I'll flap my arms and fly to the moon accompanied by The Tooth Fairy. It ain't gonna happen. If they do something for charity rest assured they don't pull from their pockets but expect the citizens of this country to fund it.

  16. Richie proving, once again, that liberals are the most judgmental people on Earth. To be sure, Social Conservatives aren't far behind.

    And in case you're wondering, I'm a "Live and let live" libertarian who also believes government should get out of the business of marriage and let loving couples marry who they want to marry.

    I also don't have any issues with how people like to spend their own money. If you want to donate it, or your time, to an animal shelter, good for you. But don't act all damn high and mighty over somebody else who wants to spur the economy by spending it on a VIP membership at a gun club...that also employs people.
