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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WHITT'S END: 11.5.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *October's radio ratings (covering Sept. 12-Oct. 9) are in and while The Ticket remains dominant and ESPN is still clearly No. 2, the Cowboys' roller-coaster of mediocrity has finally breathed a smidge of life into the last-place Fan. The Ticket is No. 1 among the coveted demographic of Men 25-54 in morning (7.8), midday (6.8) and afternoon (6.9), comfortably ahead of ESPN's 3.4, 4.8 and 4.7. The Fan, which has struggled to get its nose above a 2.0 in any hour of any day part the last six months, enjoyed boosts in morning (2.6), midday (3.3) and afternoon (2.7).

   *Speaking of Richie Incognito's bullying and NFL hazing, you can criticize Dez Bryant for a lot of things but he doesn't take crap from anyone from his mom to Roy Williams. Remember as a rookie when he refused to carry the veteran receiver's pads to the locker room after a training camp practice in San Antonio? But, then again, he did once succumb to rookie tradition and pick up the tab for a team dinner. Tab? $54,896.

   *Cowboys will face Drew Brees Sunday night in New Orleans, ending a remarkable stretch of five consecutive games against opposing starting quarterbacks from Texas high schools: Robert Griffin III (Copperas Cove), Nick Foles (Austin Westlake), Matthew Stafford (Highland Park), Christian Ponder (Colleyville Heritage) and Brees (Austin Westlake). And next time you run into the self-proclaimed "Biggest Cowboys Fan EVER!", try this trivia on them: Name the 6 quarterbacks from Texas high schools who have started a game for the Cowboys. (Answer below.)

   *As the Adrian Peterson 11-yard touchdown run reminded us Sunday, it is perfectly legal - in the NFL anyway - for a teammate to push a ball-carrier from behind, even into the end zone. Peterson's run was epic, but I don't think he makes into the end zone without the assist from tight end Chase Ford.

   *I know this pains Romo haters, but No. 9 is a legit Top 10 quarterback. No? He's Top 10 in all the following categories: Attempts (1st), Completions (2nd), Percentage (5th), Yards (5th), Touchdowns (3rd) and Rating (7th). As far as Interceptions? 17th. Same number (6) as Peyton Manning and Tom Brady, and fewer than Drew Brees, Phillip Rivers, Matt Ryan, Joe Flacco and Ben Roethlisberger. I got the details over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

   *Mavs-Lakers tonight at AAC. Chris Kaman is hardly an intriguing replacement for Kobe's absence.



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  1. Gotta' agree with you here Richie.....twice!! Which has to be a record.

    Your thoughts on Romo just reiterate that Romo haters hate Romo for things other than what happens on the field. He has played exceedingly well this season and yet again, the offense.....and really the team.....has to ride his shoulders alone since the running game is still MIA as is the defense. And while I won't get into the picks and which are his fault and which are on the receiver(s), I will point out that one of his six was a 50+ yard Hail Mary just before the end of the first half against Philly which does show up in the stats, but obviously shouldn't count against him. The continued bashing by his detractors after a game where he led his team on a two-minute 90-yard game winning drive just shows that he has to literally be perfect to avoid criticism. I watched too many spares in the years after Aikman not to appreciate what Dallas has in a QB. Sadly, it's the other parts that are lacking and have been for years.

    On Duck Dynasty, I do tend to agree......way too scripted, which all reality shows are which is why I can't stand them, by and large. Though I do think they are solid folks who much of society would do well to emulate on a few fronts.....self-reliance, family and faith.

    1. Quit while we're agreeing? Nah. See ya tomorrow.

    2. Faith? Not sure why that would be considered a good thing which should be emulated. It's literally belief in something without evidence... if anything you should be admiring the opposite.

  2. Surely that chick in the your shirt has beige pants on.

  3. I believe John Roach also is the only other Cowboy to wear the jersey #12

  4. Proving once again what an idiot you are. Anyone that thinks Romo is a top 10 QB is clueless. He is the king of empty numbers in this pass happy era of NFL football.

    1. Those empty numbers got Jim Kelly and Dan Marino into the Hall of Fame. I don't remember either one of them running the ball. And neither one of them won any jewelry. And don't feed me any crap about how many Super Bowls they appeared in. If that was a criteria for how good a quarterback is, Jim Plunkett would be in the HOF.

    2. Troy Aikman considers Tony Romo a Top 10 quarterback. So you're saying that Aikman is clueless? And that you know more about football and quarterback play than him? Remind me one more time who the idiot is?

    3. Change your sports panties. If you actually watched enough NFL games and paid attention to what other quarterbacks are doing you'd know that you are completely wrong. Romo is a top 10 qb.

    4. aikman is a fence-rider. he NEVER has a strong opinion. if a cleveland sports radio station had him on, he'd say Weeden & Campbell were top 10 QBs.
      also, its speaks volumes about his personality that he informed the little ticket that he'd rather they NOT play the Manley audio.
      point being 8-ball isn't a reliable source for info.
      so its best to use other ppl to validate your point, midgocrite

    5. Anon say he never has a strong opinion, but yet I've heard him state that on numerous occasions in numerous settings, both local and national. And FYI.....unless you have news to the contrary, NO WAY Aikman says Weeden and Campbell are top 10 QBs anywhere at any time.

      And if you won't take Troy's word for it, how about Roger? There's the signal callers for five Super Bowls for ya.' You probably still know more than those two combined, I'm sure......lmao.....

  5. #epicfail...Brees graduated from Austin Westlake. GOOD JOB!

    1. It says Austin Westlake dumbass

    2. Hey stupid, did you actually READ the article?

      *Cowboys will face Drew Brees Sunday night in New Orleans, ending a remarkable stretch of five consecutive games against opposing starting quarterbacks from Texas high schools: ........... and Brees (Austin Westlake).

    3. If you wouldn't have used ALL CAPS for emphasis I wouldn't have believed you. It's okay, we all make MISTAKES.

    4. So how does facing a QB from Texas end a streak of facing QBs from Texas? The streak won't end until they face a non-Texas QB.

  6. Actually Jerry said this morning on the radio that Pappas Bros. ended up taking off the majority of the alcohol leaving the bill far below 54K.

  7. Romo, Hah! Whom would I take in a crucial game Plunkett of course. He performed and did not shrink in the spotlight. Romo still has time, but he has two signature moments as far the USA football fan is concerned, fumbling the field goal snap and the interception again RGIII's Redskins. That's all. As far as Romo's ratings in 2013 top 10, yeah right. Look at the players out of the top 10 (Romo is at 5) and tell me whom you would want Romo or Andrew Luck, or Romo or Roethlisberger, Romo or Kaepernick, Romo or Brady. QB ratings are a small glimpse into being a QB. Winning matters. Leading matters. Rallying the team matters. Celebrating a game winning drive over a 1-7 team (based on a mistake you made) doesn't.

    1. Look at the teams those guys have had around them that you mentioned. Obviously you don't know football!

    2. Outside of the 2 Super Bowls, Plunkett was a .500 QB 72-72. He also was a Heisman winner, not an undrafted free agent. Oh, BTW, that 1-7 team that Romo played Sunday beat your sainted Ben Rothlisberger. Or did that not count because the Vikings are 1-7.

      Might want to do a little research before you post dumb stuff.

    3. Typically irrational Romo hater: Rallying and leading and winning are all that matters! Unless you rally your team and lead them on a winning drive and your name is Tony Romo.

  8. How do Gbag's ratings compare with Elf & Slater, and how to Ben & Skin compare with RAGE?

    1. Here's part of the answer to your question:

  9. Sky Mirror is ridiculous, but I am glad they put it in for the sole purpose of Fake Sky Mirror on the Musers.

  10. A lot is made of beating less than .500 teams, but if you look at nearly every team they get their wins against the bad teams.

    1. Would you rather them lose to the bad teams? WTF is your point, troll?

  11. Rembrandt Q. EinsteinNovember 5, 2013 at 9:57 PM

    Romo haters are nothing but a bunch of poop eaters. He is better than Matt Ryan. Who eats poop too.
