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Monday, December 2, 2013

Canine Corner: Ally

  Ally is between one and two years old, and she weighs 55 pounds. She's a peaceful Pit Bull mix who gets along great with other dogs and cats too! She takes daily medication for an enlarged heart, but she's very healthy otherwise and the cost is minimal (about $10/month).

  Ally loves going for car rides, and she would make a great addition to your family! Ally is spayed and up-to-date on all shots. She's also housebroken so you won't have to worry about any accidents. She's even crate-trained if you'd prefer to put her in her kennel while you're away. She's a sweet dog who needs a home. Could it be yours?

  To find out more about darling Ally, please click here. (Last week's Canine Corner entry was Mack.)


  1. Yep adopting a full-grown pit bull; sound advice for a family pet. Only an incredibly stupid person would a) adopt a full-grown pit bull for a family pet or b) recommend that adopting a full-grown pit pull as a family pet. Get a brain.


    1. You should probably do some research before posting, Bill. Pit bulls make great pets as they are loving, playful and gentle in most cases. As with all breeds of dog, the temperament is often based on how the dog is handled and treated on a daily basis. Much like humans, if you nurture/care for your pet, they will reciprocate. Doing the opposite (neglecting/abusing) usually causes a person to lash out; same with dogs. Furthermore, the AVMA advises people to never leave children unsupervised with ANY pets.

      Ally is a family dog, not a resident dog. Obviously, if she was a threat, she would be cared for by someone who is skilled in rehabilitation and not offered to the general public. If she's not your cup of tea, don't adopt her. But at least fire off a quick Google search before laying such ridiculous claims. Here, I've even done the legwork for you.

    2. We are quite aware of Google and I suggest you do the same. Starting off with Pit Bull Myth #1: It's the owner not the breed. and so forth

      Or perhaps this one:

      The breed is dangerous; it was created to be dangerous. Like a tiger it is a natural born killer. To suggest it is family "pet" is ignorant.


    3. God damn. The absolute ignorance of Bill2455 has shown up again. A Pit, or literally any other dog, will be dangerous if they're treated like shit. If ignorance was a natural born killer you would've died a long, long time ago. Fucking idiot. That's all you are.

    4. ANON 7:03 Stringing together foul words hardly reflects a logical mind. Glad it takes so little to anger you so much. Go see Mommy; she will help you feel better, you poor child. Maybe someday you will be able to comment like an adult. Night, night junior.

    5. Likewise, prick. Cussing isn't a reflection of logic. The ignorance you so freely spew says a lot about you though. Oh, real original with the insinuation that I need my "mommy." Douche bag.

  2. I'm with Bill on this one. With Pit Bulls, it IS the breed. Owning one, especially around children, is completely irresponsible and akin to leaving a loaded pistol sitting on the family coffee table. Maybe nothing will ever happen, but disaster is always a distinct possibility.

  3. To the Pit Bull haters: You're wrong.

  4. my company adopted a pit bull, saved it from death row the day it was supposed to be euthanized. When he was captured they deemed him dangerous and violent. We adopted him as a guard dog. Well come to find out he was just scared and is the most loving dog imaginable. He is very smart and full of love. He was just scared at the pound. Aren't most people scared in jail as well. Pits are great dogs if just give them a chance to be.
