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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

November Radio Ratings: StatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuo

   If the Cowboys were to go 16-0 and win the Super Bowl every year for, like, 10 years, would that be amazeballs? Or, at some point, would it get boring?
   The Ticket must not think the latter because, now with the addition of a stronger FM signal, it keeps on keeping on. As in, bludgeoning the harmless noggins of its local radio competitors.
   In the November PPM ratings covering Oct. 10-Nov 6, The Ticket ...

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  1. $4.95 per month! Funny stuff...good luck.

  2. Where can I pay $4.95 and read you shill for your pizza joint? Here? Sweet! Out.

  3. I like reading your material, but I am not going to pay for it. I can find related information free all over the internet or on the radio.

  4. bahahahaaahaaaaa.....

    1. I concur.

      Explain to your advertisers why your page views will decrease by 90%.


  5. Pay now...... c'mon ritchie......misleading titles for page views not quite cutting it anymore?

  6. Sorry Richie, people can find the exact same content for free..

  7. Guess that pizza place is really making the big bucks!

  8. It was fun while it lasted. Good luck!

  9. $4.95??? Thats a big NOPE

  10. Count me out as well.

  11. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    yea well
    so sad

  12. I enjoyed reading your blog but c'mon paying to read a paragraph as you skim thru a topic and not even providing journalistic coverage/ insight.

    Your page has just become as useful as Greggo's.

    1. where's greggo's page?

    2. Dead and Gone.....

      I deleted his blog/webpage long ago. Will give Richie a day or so before this website is deleted.

    3. Guess I should have said, I will be deleting this web page from my favorites.

      Richie if you change your mind fill free to email me and I will support the site again.

  13. Good Luck with ALL that!!!!

  14. At least I can delete item out of my 'favorites" now.

  15. wow, this is pure gold! like a train wreck on top of a sinking ship! this dude-bro-brah downfall needs the IJB treatment!

  16. Sad day for the sportatorium. I hope business picks up at the pizza place.

  17. It looks like I am only one who is willing to.... nope. I can't even fake it.

    Sorry, but people leaving your blog (as well as me) and your "precious page views" appear to be the... StatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuoStatusQuo

  18. So, you want your readers to pay $4.95 a month to get beaten over the head about your pizza joint that can't deliver to 90% of your readers, and your girlfriend's DJ thanks.

    Adios, Richie.

  19. Aw Richie, I've enjoyed your writing for a long time, since the newspaper days. I will not be paying $4.95/mo. though. Perhaps if you had more in-depth stories in addition to the Whitt's End stuff, or other contributors that had something valuable to say I'd feel differently. But as other commenters have pointed out, there is free stuff all over the web to read. Perhaps you could chance the policy to make the content free but ask for contribution levels which are up to the readers' discretion?

    Anyhow, I'll continue to read your listicles over on the Blue Star Blog. Best of luck to your numerous ventures. Pizza Buzz is a hell of an idea- wish I could open a franchise out here in Albuquerque.

  20. Richie, I really enjoy reading your stuff; however, $4.95 is a bit steep, considering an ESPN Insider account is much cheaper per month with more content. You also can't expect folks to pay that type of money until you update the antiquated look and functionality of your website/blog. Also, it would've probably helped if you would have introduced this concept in an earlier post and pitched why we should pay for your content. If it would have been well thought out and presented, I might've been willing to pay for it.

    1. This is one of the most thoughtful responses yet.

      In the beginning, when you had weekly Whitt's End and other entries with your take on specific stories, I might have considered it.

      But when there's a Whitt's End that is the equivalent to a CBS Sports Minute... that's not worth $5. Especially when there's between two Sybil entries specifically mentioning the fact that you're "mailing it in".

      The value just isn't there for me right now - for $5/month I get much much more in a Netflix account.

      Sorry, Richie, hope the best for you but for now you're on the verge of killing this site. Which I think is actually what you're hoping for - see the above point about mailing it in. You don't care about this site, or your readers any more.

      That's what this jerk move presents to your (former) readers.

  21. You are out of your fucking mind thinking people will pay to read your blog. Sorry dude, had your back for a while. Deleted from favorites. Please post how many subscriptions you sell a week from today, curious to see that by then it will be free...... What a sad day you greedy son of a bitch!

  22. I enjoy reading your stuff, but you don't provide enough...well of anything to justify paying 4.95 a month

  23. good talk, im out!

  24. New Coke all over again. Why mess with a good thing? You need to really think this one over. Nice try though.

  25. Not going to make this a bash session like others, but I gotta agree... I would read occasionally, but not going to pay five bucks.... Just wanted to give you some honest feedback..... Good Luck...

  26. Damn...I hate that it's come to this ...been reading your stuff for years now... just not worth $5 a month to me though

  27. Holy want people to pay $4.95 for your writing a month???? Dude go get a job a paper again if you want to be paid to write. Your writing isnt that good to begin with.

  28. You just lost another reader!!! not going to pay to read

  29. Sorry I'm out. Good luck

  30. And I'm out. I agree, 5 dollars a month for a blog is ridiculous when you can get MUCH more from ESPN Insider for 3 dollars a month. Come on Richie!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Like I said in another comment section, you should've looked into Good Adsense and various other pay-per-click advertising options for your site as opposed to charging people for full access. My website has averaged between 500,000 to a million visits per month for over 15 years now and I'd never make readers pay to read. I hope you reconsider as there are other revenue options out there -- like Google Adsense, Valueclick, Burst Media, Gorilla Nation, et al. I'm a fan and I read every day, but not for $5/month. Best of luck regardless.

    Bill from Tomball

    1. So you getting paid by advertisers is right, and Ritchie getting paid by consumers is wrong?

    2. It's the wrong business model. Point is much larger content providers mostly fail even at half the price. Also, this will kill his following he has spent years to made. He needs to rethink ASAP before too much damage is done.

    3. "Consumers"? Exactly, what "service" or "product" is Richie, providing? His "insight" or "opinions", on sports, politics, and other "news" storys, that can be found all over the internet for free?

      I like Richie, and enjoy reading his blog everyday. But it isn't a "service", and I can live without it. Best wishes, Richie.

  32. First the Coke fridge for $200 dlls and now this... RW looks Money Desperate...

  33. Just think Ritchie, these same losers that are bitching about having to pay are the same losers that told you to get a job......

  34. $5 a month to read your ill-informed, nonfactual and sometimes outright insulting political drivel, hatred of white trucks, trumpeting your pizza joint, your "hot" and "not" pics that you found on the web, and your sometimes entertaining but never revelation-inspiring sports opinions? No, thanks....I'm out also.

    Kind of sad, but can't say I'm shocked. Narcissism at its finest.

  35. Bummer. cant afford it.

  36. I wonder why RW hasn't reply any comments... He'll probably want to charge for his replies too... AT LEAST GREGGO NEVER FELL SO LOW... TO ASK FOR MONEY TO THE FANS !!!

    1. Sorry, he spent 20 minutes on his failed podcast asking for money and whining about being broke and out of work. Check your facts next time....

    2. Uh he did actually.

  37. Sorry RW...have enjoyed your work for years (yes, back to the S/T days) and I think you have some skills as a writer, but I won't pay for content on a site that has ads and constantly mentions a "certain" eating establishment. I wouldn't pay for the DMN's "Cowboys Extra" and I refuse to be an ESPN "Insider". I hardly think your writing skills and inside info can rival theirs. Good Luck to you and I hope things go the way you want. I appreciate the many years of thoughtful comments and ideas.

    1. Thanks, Gerald. If you don't think my writing/opinions are unique and valuable, I totally respect that.

  38. As a fan of this blog, I hate to see this happen. I enjoy the content, but not enough to pay for it. I'll be deleting my bookmark too, good luck to ya Ritchie.

  39. FYI anyone who wants to look at the radio ratings for FREE, can do so here:

  40. Example of how this paywall has already failed,
    Comments against paywall: 50+
    Comments re radio ratings: 0
    Should have figured out how to make comments for members only before you rolled this out :)

    1. Why would I do that? This is a Freemium blog. You're in the free part.

    2. So your logic is people will read/write comments on your posts they can't access? WTF? There is not a single paywall site that does that--you just hacked in a quick paywall solution that makes as much technical sense (requires a Gmail account??) as it does business sense (name a single local sports personality in DFW that has a non-betting paywall site??). I suspect you are not able to monetize it with ads alone and you want it to sink or swim with this paywall and certainly that is your prerogative but this is such a first generation approach that it is laughable. You need to do some more research re current generation business and technical paywall models to maximize your chance to succeed. And I won't even charge you for my 2 cents I just gave you :)

  41. Man this sucks. I know $5.00 isn't a ton, but I have to agree - you should have bumped up your quality of stories prior to shilling for more cash. I enjoyed the run, but I am out. My only question - will Dave (KOTT) pay the $5.00 monthly for the right to bash Richie on every topic? My money is on "no", but would love to find out.

  42. This has to be a joke.. Right? Oh, it's for real? DELETE!!

  43. The pizza sucked too, BTW.

  44. CONFIRMED: Richie Whitt will have blog ending surgery for shooting himself in the foot and placed on I(nstanity)R until he comes to his senses.

  45. This is sad like a hurt dog that needs to be put out of its misery.

  46. Richie, April fools is still several months away?

  47. I see Richie's Sportatorium as a hipper, radical, modernized version of Blackie Sherrod's "Scattershooting" column -- "Scattershooting on Steroids". I loved Blackie's work and I love Richie's work. And for what it's worth...I don't live in the Pizza Buzz delivery area but plan to sample the goods during my next foray into N. Ft. Worth. I trust the guy.

  48. Richie your putting the same blow up your nose and dreaming like Greggo did!!! You outta work bum..

  49.'s no too late to change your mind. I can't help think this is back-firing on your. This is a big mistake - you really need to look into the other revenue options as mentioned by "Bill from Tomball" above.

    Better hurry....


    1. Richie,

      I don't care what anyone says, you are one talented fella. However, Please listen to Joe from Tomball !! It's not too late.

      Most of the feedback you received on PizzaBuzz prior to opening it was positive with the exception of all the marketing on your site. I would guess that around 90-95% of the feedback you received today via this forum and Facebook has been negative. Your followers are trying to help.

      It will be a shame to see something that took so long to build disappear.

  50. I think you shit in your bathtub. Good luck, sir.

  51. What a douche, putting about the same effort into this blog as you did your last 3 months on the fan. I would get more entertainment paying a kid $5 to kick me in the balls than to read this crap.

    1. I'd kick you in the ball for $5. But you don't have any.

    2. Balls would be plural dipshit. And I would hate to raise your income level anymore as I would be worried you would lose your food stamps and free housing. Nice try trailer trash.

  52. On top of that... he gets people to come to the small spiel plastered with ads, so not only does he try to get people to try and pay for the story, he still gets his ad impressions without the content.
    Also using a free service to host his blog.

    Another out... won't be supporting the ad impressions without content. cheap shot Richie.

  53. I wish you the best but definitely not worth $5/month or any amount for that matter.

  54. Dude, you have got to be kidding me? I always thought you were on our side. This is without a doubt the douchiest move you have ever made and I have supported your douche-ness for a while now. But this one.....Adios amigo. SMDH!

    1. Bitchie Twitt Is the biggest tool in DFW. His bits (like WTW and dead and gone) are weak, stupid and uncreative. His writing is terrible (filled with weak teases that NEVER deliver). I imagine the pizza is as weak and bland as he is.

  55. I certainly don't see the point in paying to read on any site. But why does everyone feel the need to be so hateful about it? Just don't pay and move on. I respect your hustle Richie Whitt. 20 people pay its $100 dollars more than you had if they didn't.

  56. I enjoy your stories. I enjoyed you on radio. It is perfectly fine for you to charge a fee. Hope you have a great Holiday season sir.
