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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.10.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *This is the kind of season it's been for your Cowboys. In games in which the defense has managed to "hold" opponents under 44 points, they're 7-3. That means of course that, yep, the Cowboys - for the first time in franchise history - have surrendered 45+ points three times in a single season. But, okay, tell me one more time that it's all Tony Romo's fault.

   *Not sure what's going on over at The Ticket, but ...
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  1. Wow, some of that stuff you wrote about Donovan is pretty racist. Not cool, bro.

    1. Don't worry, no one else will see it.

    2. Since you're a paying customer, why don't you share the comments so we can see what we're missing.....

    3. Richie is just jealous of Donovan. Plain and simple.

    4. So post his comments.

    5. Didn't write a word about Donovan, who I respect and calla friend. Good try.

  2. I love some good Ticket talk on rw's comments.

    1. new school, g-bag, 10-2, k&c ... fuck the ticket , the fan is the king of all dfw sports radio

  3. I need more Michael Irvin reporting area school closings. Such a great bit!

  4. The joke will be on everyone when a random article contains a naked pic of Sybil haha. Just wait!!

    1. Not naked, but I will be blogging w/ photos of our honeymoon from the beaches of Bora Bora, Australia, etc. So ...

  5. Jerry Jones just said on the radio that Monte Kiffin is the right man to figure out what is wrong with the Cowboys defense. Unfuc%ing believable!

  6. Just want to remind Richie Rich about his prediction that Dez Bryant will rewrite all the Cowboys receiving records this year. Great insight from a real professional.

    1. He's been disappointing no doubt. In last 4 games he needs 41 catches for 695 yards and 6 TDs. Thought he was poised for much more dominant season.

  7. Wow....RW, how do you know Corby was doing that? Did you see him with your own eyes, or do you have a source that saw him?

    1. Another example of Richie trying to trick people to pay...sad

    2. A portion of todays blog: Apparently Richie has been sending in his "live spot auditions" to the Ticket..

    3. I don't get the fake Ticket teases? I'm always down for a chuckle or something clever, but ... ?

  8. These are either trolls, which are funny, or Richie-astroturf pretending there are subscribers, when it's clear from the dearth of substantive comments that there are no subscribers and there never will be.

    I'm pretty sure this is Richie's way of retiring from blogging without having to publicly shut it down. Some people who buck trends are geniuses, yes, but 99% of people who buck the trends are just dumbasses who fail and become roadkill. Given Richie's career history, we all know which of the foregoing is more likely. But, he's not stupid. He doesn't want to have to shut his blog down publicly because his advertisers aren't getting returns for their money, because that's exactly what Greggo had to do! And that would mean that Richie lacked sufficient popularity maintain an ad-driven blog. In turn, one could reason that Greggo wasn't the problem, ratings were the fundamental problem with RAGE. And that would make the Hard Lie part deux, just a lie, at worst, or a faulty interpretation of the facts, at best.

    1. I'm amazed how some of these comments are more insightful than the blog ever was... +1

    2. That's the funniest, most outlandish explanation yet. Keep 'em coming.

    3. And, by the way, what a great, refreshing message: Don't Buck The Trend! You must be a blast to hang out with. "Hey, I gotta great idea! Let's go where we always go and do what we always do, because change is scarrrry." That about right?

    4. Sometimes things are just true. Like, people don't want dial-up internet service, and no one uses rotary-dial phones anymore. One can hardly be faulted for pointing out the plain-as-day facts, but alas, some people insist upon themselves even when they are standing in the rain, umbrella closed, railing at the water for ruining their hair-plugs.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. So The Ticket had a Ticket Chick show last Sunday that nobody heard. Big deal.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. And then there was the guy who took the time to pay to become a member, and then copy-and-pasted content on the free part of my blog. Imagine if he used that time and energy to do something positive and useful in this world?

    1. Yeah like writing his own blog and posting a lot more stuff there.

    2. Or perhaps it was a dude who paid for access based on your Ticket teaser, only to realize it was a big bag of nothing about them having a chick show in a time slot nobody heard.

      Hell hath no fury like a dude just fucked out of five bucks...

  13. What idiot pays $4.95 to read what this spare has to say? The next interesting thing he writes will be the first....that's why he's been fired from every media job he's had in this town.
