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Thursday, December 12, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.12.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Let's go back to August. The Cowboys are preparing for their season when the ghost of football future (there is such a dude, right?) appears with this offer: Tony Romo will play so well that he throws 20 more touchdowns than interceptions (27-7) and to win the NFC East in 2013 your team gets to face five consecutive backup quarterbacks down the stretch. But if they don't beat them and make the playoffs, I take away your DVRs. Forever. We'd have taken that deal, right? Because, sure enough, look at who the Cowboys will face in the season's final five weeks: Quarterbacks who are injury replacements or who started the season as afterthought second- or even third-stringers. Matt McGloin (Raiders), Josh McCown (Bears), Matt Flynn (Packers), Kirk Cousins (Redskins) and Nick Foles (Eagles). There's a decent chance none of those teams make the playoffs. You can't say it wasn't all laid out lovingly and invitingly before the Cowboys. And, yes, if Tony Romo can't beat four of those five quarterbacks in this stretch then ... gulp.

   *You Betcha Week 16: For the year I'm now up $3,985. This week I'm going with ...

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  2. "The Sportatorium fell into disuse in the late 1990s when local independent wrestling promotions, by now drawing crowds only in the low hundreds, elected to run their shows in dance halls and other smaller venues instead. In addition, the aging arena was seriously dilapidated by this time, was out of compliance with local building codes, and was often used as a shelter by homeless people who entered the building illegally."-- Wikipedia

  3. ****** chirp ******

    - Cricket

    1. Haha! Nobody cares anymore! Good job alienating your followers..

    2. Knock knock.

      Who's there?


      Nobody who?

      No dude. Seriously. Nobody is here.

  4. i think its time the midgocrite finally admits that his hardlie2 story was faked in order to jump start their shitty blogs.

    1. Said the toilet paper lover. Do you actually read what you write? Because your 8th grade education is showing.

    2. 8th grade seems a little generous....just sayin'

    3. Hey RW this is Storm the fine toilet paper enthusiast and I hate to break this to you but I was not the one that came up with "midgocrite" although I wish I did. Believe it or not there are a lot more people that think your a hack other than me. As far as my "8th grade education" I am going to go out on a limb here and say I am making a hell of alot more scratch than you right now big guy. But hey keep fucking that chicken.


    4. You may scratch more than a lot of us, but I'm retired and my money makes itself. And like the poster above you, I agree, 8th grade was a little high.

    5. Well then kind sir feel free to use some of that hard earned money to invest in Mr. Whitt's blog. What would I get you may ask? Well let me tell you. Look forward to hard hitting, inquisitive analysis on such subjects as white trucks, how to bet using fake money. Also be the first on your block to find out that a local pro athlete will be expecting a baby. When it comes to information from someone who was fired from the lowest rated sports show on the lowest rated station in DFW Richie Whitt is your guy.

      May all of your blogging dreams come true sir.


    6. Already have. You keep flipping those burgers son.

  5. Richie- you don't know me, but we've got some mutual friends,who think highly of you, so I thought I'd share why I'm deleting this bookmark before I say goodbye.
    In some of your comments you've charecterized it as (paraphrasing) "you expect me to provide content, but I'm greedy when I want to monetize it". From my standpoint, I want content. And I've enjoyed yours in the past. But I don't really care if it's you or someone else. If you charge, I'm certainly not going to bother to have you on my list of sites I check on a daily basis. There's too many other places I can get quick comments about sports, and while some of your other info is interesting (ratings, rumors, etc) it's certinaly something I can live without. Because there's no way I'm paying for that type of info.

    And I don't think you're a 'shithead" for wanting to get paid, I just think you're badly misjudging the market. We never had to pay for it when you were based at the DO, haven't paid for it since you started back up in June. Why now? It just seems very bait and switch. Give free samples, then start charging. Might work for crack and meth, but I'm sorry, your writing isn't that addictive.

    Looking back, I'm sure we all have websites that we used to check on a regular basis, that now we never visit. You're now on that list for me. I hope this works out for you. But there are plenty of other places I can find what you're offering. And if it has to be Dallas-centric, I can always beat down the Joe Tones and Tim Rogers of the world to feature more sports on their sites. And Unfair Park and Frontburner are both still free. Yes I want content. Do I care if it's yours? No not at all. So thanks. I've certainly enjoyed reading some of your stuff over the years. But you're crazy or high if you think I'm paying for it.

    So good luck. But It's over and I'm out.
