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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.17.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *The Cowboys aren't necessarily successful, but no denying they are wildly entertaining. And, most of all, nauseating. No team in the NFL loses as dramatically as the Cowboys. No coach authors as many heart-breaking, kick-to-the-crotch defeats as Jason Garrett. And, yes, I do have the facts to back that up. In Garrett's 54 games as head coach, 14 have been White-Knuckler losses. Think about that. 25 percent of the time you've watched a Cowboys' game since mid-2010 it's ended in a heart-breaking loss. Wade Phillips' percentage was ...

   *Can't believe this is still in my back yard ...

   *A man actually gets paid to go on TV and say "You axe me what I think? It don't get no better than that. But that's lacksadaisical defense anyway." His name is ...

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  1. His name is Ray Lewis


    Here's an actual sports column...try to wrap your head around it.

    Stay Hard, B.T.

    1. Wow, now that is a sports journalist, right there. I hadn't read much of Bob, but it's like a law-review quality article about sports. It's scientific, and in depth. Must take hours to craft such a thing. I can't imagine. It's Grantland-caliber work. And you can read that without a paywall? Real football geeks would pay money for that. That's got a big bag of Something.

    2. Thanks for the link.. I love well written sports blogs.

  3. Hopefully Sturm gets paid 1,000x more than Twit for his blog. That is some real analysis. I bet Ritchie spends 2 minutes coming up with us "Whitty" comments, just copies the same tired b.s. statements from all the other talking heads. Or maybe I'm giving him too much credit, he probably still spends 2 hours to come up with that filth.

    1. Get off Sturm's nuts

    2. The Sturminator is gonna get you sucka
