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Monday, December 23, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.23.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *I'm not saying a referee's mistake helped the Cowboys pull off their Hail Murray in Washington. But it sure didn't hurt. Look at these pics for proof ...

   *Wait, in the post-game locker room Cowboys' vice president Stephen Jones screamed at which national media reporter? ...

   *Is this the best high-school football team of all-time? ...

   *Cowboys 24, Redskins 23: My Top 10 Whitty Comments are over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog.

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    ^An Actual Column.

  2. Ed Werder

    From NBC Sports

    Per a source with knowledge of the exchange, Stephen Jones told Werder that, if he has a source who is providing information on the head coach’s status and the source’s name isn’t Jerry Jones or Stephen Jones, the story is “BS”.

    Another source said that it wasn’t a loud or hostile exchange. Stephen Jones quietly pulled Werder aside and shared that perspective.

  3. "Hail Murray" huh? Incredible Wordplay! Just Amazing! How did you even come up with that?! Do you write for Grantland? Are you on the radio? Such talent!

  4. Heard the Ed Werder/Stephen Jones story on The Fan this morning already. Guess what? They didn't charge anyone to hear that news!

  5. Yeah, that Allen team is the best high school football team in history. Not one person on here can argue with that.

  6. Norm talked about the wrong spot on the Murray loss about an hour ago. It was also free of charge.

  7. From the NBC 5 blog at 10:40 PM:

    “6. You’d think an analyst for Fox would take a second to do some homework. You’d be wrong. John Lynch – or is it Lie-nch? – called Tyron Smith “ty-RONN” all day. Nope, it’s TY-run. Like Byron, but with a T. Maybe after he makes the Pro Bowl.”

    From Twitter:

    Richie Whitt ‏@richiewhitt 19h
    Dear Fox's John Lynch: It's Tyron, like Byron with a T. Not ty-RONN. Probably should do a little homework before making a fool of yourself.

    A couple of observations from this:

    See how easy and effortless it is to copy and paste.

    I am sure the suits at NBC 5 are glad to be paying you to copy and paste parts of your Twitter feed disguised as a blog.

    For someone who had the lowest rated show on the lowest rated sports talk station and who “sucked at radio” (your own words), you do not have any room to criticize someone’s broadcasting. Yes, John Lynch should have learned the correct pronunciation. However, I will suggest he probably did more preparation for his assignment than you do on a daily basis for this blog.

    1. No way he's getting paid for that BlueStar stuff. That "blog" is just another waste of internet space...needs more LOLCats.

    2. But you lifeless, fat, moronic basement dwellers keep coming back day after day of your miserable, worthless lives.

    3. Hey, who you callin fat?

    4. Haha....yeah, I've been hittin the tread mill a coupla times latlely!

    5. 5'1" Richie has a critique for John Lynch, 9-time Pro Bowler, Super Bowl Champ, multimillionaire, FOX NFL broadcaster? Now that, my friends, is chutzpah! And the critique that merits a pay-walled blog post? Slight mispronunciation of a player's first name? Wow. Yeah, that John Lynch is quite the fool, I guess. He probably cried all the way back to one of his mansions on the Gulfstream, and polished his Super Bowl Ring with his tears.

      Of course, Richie doesn't want to play in the comments anymore since even members of the employed print media are coming in to kick his nuts more frequently than an actual subscriber makes a substantive comment about anything behind that paywall. It's just sad enough not to be funny anymore.

  8. This comment section is the only thing worth paying for on this link.

    1. But he doesnt so the comments continue to rule

  9. Still charging to read? I'll come back this time next week maybe it'll be free again.

    Merry Christmas

  10. Stop all ready with the teasers! they are not making anyone join.

  11. Regarding the reports that Romo is done for the year: Bob Sturm just tweeted, "I might remind you that Dez Bryant was ruled out for season last year, though. He played plenty after that, so let's not Twitter ourselvs".

    Can someone remind me, who was it that said Dez was done for the year?

    1. Same guy who said Nolan put JD in a headlock before he was let go.

  12. Tony Romo out for the season... Now that's breaking news I'd be willing to pay $4.95 for.

  13. I just joined and posted this morning..Now it's gone? Is that any way to treat a new member?

    1. Bevo - what are you referring to?

    2. BevoMavBlog - this is anon 7:44, take 2. I remember reading your post(s) this morning and after my previous post just now, I scrolled up and don't see them now.

      Is it because subscribers see their posts when they log in and the unwashed (us who don't pay) don't see "those" posts? Did your posts get deleted or what?

    3. OK..I didn't sign in and couldn't see my post. Thanks for the heads up..It is weird though. The post is there, right where I left it..
