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Monday, December 30, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.30.13

   Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Well, I guess there's no need for these anymore ...

   *Jason Garrett will be back in 2014, but with new coordinators. Names on his short list ...

   *Cowboys produced a positive they haven't seen since 1997 with ...

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  1. I hate to say it but I think Richie is doing it backwards. I would have paid more than $4.99 for the RAGE-Greggo content. I enjoy the blogs but as a non football fan, it was a casual read and nothing I'd subscribe to.

  2. rw, are you on the radio?

    1. Do you and Sturm spoon when you're done?

    2. Sturms blog and this one just ain't a fair fight. Bob be crushing it! Hey, but Rich is pals with Newy and those other spares at nbcdwfthefanontv. God Bless.

  3. Way better content on Peter Kings MMQB. And its free.

  4. I went back in the archives to see just what sort of 'content' was being provided....this whole site was started to just bitch about getting fired and toss out some Ticket gossip to stir the pot. Sports definitely was not priority.
    Fired from print, Fired from radio. If he had anything in his sports bag...he'd have another job in, well...Sports! Not pizza.
    I go someplace else for my sports talk. I drop by here for the comments. Good Luck in the newyear Richie..keep dropping those prices! StayHard.

  5. Hey I subscribed..Good read and the price of a beer and tip for a month. But, I find it hilarious that people come here and post responses to a blog they don't read? Do you idiots understand how fucked up that is?

    1. What's fucked up is paying for beer when it flows so freely and doesn't require tipping. Making fun of the village idiot is a time honored tradition.

    2. Then you must make fun of yourself a lot.

    3. @Anon 12:29. Sweet burn bro. How did you come up with something so original?

    4. Amost as fucked up as spending perfectly good beer money to read "White Truck Wednesday"?

      Somebody needs to tell Richie's mom he can defend himself.

  6. If it wasn't for us, there would be NO COMMENTS!!....and this will be my last one!

    1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^been to the other side and it is crickets^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  7. 2014 Anon's resolution: To quit posting on this blog. With no comments and only short snippets of "content", we can all sit back and watch this site die a slow, painful, grueling death!

  8. Well now that football season is over, which teams dick will Richie start sucking now? I'm guessing the Mavs since it is easier for him. I am gonna be honest here, I truly hope this guy fails and I am pretty confident that wish will come true. Just an egotistical prick.

  9. ...Meanwhile, behind the paywall:
    Last three, yes (3) comments, in last three, yes (3) days...made by BevoMavBlog.
    Which have not even been replied by RW. Such a shame.

  10. Sadly, if it wasn't for the Richie punching bag jokes, there would be 0 comments here!

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