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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.3.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *And in the AL West the beat goes on. The Rangers steal headlines with the "blockbuster!" acquisition of Prince Fielder, a guy who will hit homers and set off fireworks and increase attendance and ... The two-time defending division champion A's, meanwhile, quietly acquire Scott Kazmir and Jim Johnson, two arms that will bolster even further their philosophy of pitching, pitching and more pitching. Johnson has 101 saves the last two seasons, most in MLB. Kazmir has re-discovered his fastball at the ripe old age of 29. While the Rangers said goodbye to catcher A.J. Pierzynski, who signed with the Red Sox, the A's will enter '14 without Grant Balfour and Bartolo Colon on their roster. Imagine your team believing it can upgrade from an All-Star closer who converted 44 consecutive saves and an 18-game winner? Knowing the A's, they just got better.

   *It's radio ratings you want? It's radio ratings you'll get. November's numbers/analysis will be right here tomorrow. In a specially-wrapped package. Sort of. You'll see. Stay tuned.

   *After last night's scary dismantling of the Saints, no doubt the NFC's road to the Super Bowl goes through wet and dreary Seattle. The Seahawks have won 14 straight at home, 8 of those by 20+ points. Russell Wilson is playing at an elite level and they've got physically intimidating athletes all over the defense. That said, they are a very easy team to hate. Earl Thomas gets up and plays a fake banjo after making a hard hit at the end of an 8-yard run. We've mentioned the 8 players suspended for drug use since '11. And then there's Pete Carroll, the most annoyingly arrogant coach in the NFL. Never instructing, he instead spends the game merely reacting. Everyone saw the lucky bounce that turned into a touchdown last night. Clear score, no questions. But as the ref explained the score after reviewing it, Carroll ripped off his headset, leaned dramatically forward and squinted, as if he really, really needed this information. And when the ref signaled what we all already knew - touchdown - Carroll pumped his fist wildly like he was the last one to know. Carroll is the cocky, gum-chomping friend you stopped inviting to parties years ago. Please join me in rooting against him. And, failure Jesus, get loose in the bullpen.

   *The crowd roar in Seattle reminded me of a time not that long ago when the NFL had a rule in place that was as weird as allowing smoking on airplanes. Once upon a time, as recently as the '90s, home teams could be penalized for too much crowd noise. Proof.

   *The Cowboys' best player this season? He's over at NBC 5's Blue Star Blog, waiting for your recognition and approval.

   *Icepocalypse II! After last week's swing-and-miss on the "Arctic Blast" that turned out to be merely cold sprinkles, our weatherfolks are at it again. Freezing rain! Snow! "Hard freeze" as soon as Wednesday night. In other words, find your light jacket and keep the umbrella handy. As for the snow chains? Fool us twice, shame on us. Swear I heard this from Fox4's Jennifer Myers on "Good Day" this morning: "This is going to be a big event ... I cannot stress enough, Thursday into Friday follow us until the event, because things could change." The Cowboys will beat the Bears. This is going to be a big event. But I cannot stress this enough, Monday night watch the game, because things could change.



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  1. Totally agree on Carroll.....what a drama queen. Although Seattle is the real deal and is a product of year after year of good personnel decisions and a good reflection on what it takes to be consistently good in this league, a suffocating playmaking defense, an outstanding O-line, and a consistent hard-nosed running game. Russell Wilson has matured into a good QB, but having all of the above in place makes his job much easier. He is merely "a" piece instead of "the" piece. I wish the GM in Dallas would take note.

    I think it was Clarence Hill I saw who said in regards to A&M and Manziel that the Aggies have had two years with the best player in the school's history and what will they have to show for it? least no national championships, conference championships or BCS bowl appearances.

    Your reference to Carter's comments on the ESPN NFL show is right on. Since "must-win" has become so overused, they have to find other ways to say it without actually saying it. I respect Carter, but there are just too many bodies on the panel of most of these shows nowadays, sometimes six or seven all throwing out perceived insight, wit and buzzwords. NFL Fox Sunday is the only one I think that is worth watching anymore. And ANYTHING with Deion Sanders on the panel gets an automatic channel change.

    Not sure what weather you watch, but I thought they got the last one exactly right, at least where I live. Who knows with this one, but if you look at the front to the north, I can see why the forecast is what it is.

  2. I'll give you $20 for the Coke machine.

    1. Probably a tad low, but gotta start somewhere. Who'll give me thir ... $200?

    2. Will u deliver it as well?

    3. Can be arranged if the price is right.

  3. can we just get a hot and a hotter,and not any more nots?

  4. "It's not a must win, Boom, but they need to win." If I ever write or utter anything that hollow, feel free to leave and never come back.

    Everything you write here is this hollow. Half the crap on here you should just put on twitter. It's all regurgitated popular opinion. How about doing some actual writing, doing some in depth analysis and forming your own unique opinions? This site is stale with the daily "Whitts End" b.s.

    1. Unique opinions? You must be new to this blog. Whitt is the king of weird, wacky & unique opinions.

    2. Congrats. You're the first and only person to ever accuse me of "regurgitated popular opinion."

    3. You must eat stale bread & stale chips too since you come to this stale ass website & read what RW writes.

  5. The Seattle rant was pretty funny. I agree they're very hate-able but Carroll doesn't bother me that much; for me, it's all the players and how much shit they get away with in the secondary.

    I guess Pepsi is really desperate for business, eh? Makes sense since they do have an inferior product. It is interesting to get some insight into why some establishments go the Pepsi route.

    1. You know Pepsi owns Gatorade, right. I'd say they're pretty much the king in that department.

