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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.4.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Spot-on suggestion by Mavs' TV voice Mark Followill last night as Dallas limped to a lethargic halftime deficit against the lowly Charlotte Bobcats: "They should just unplug the thing and hit re-start." The Mavs kinda did that. Dirk Nowitzki missed 9 of 10 shots in the first two quarters and then made 9 of 11 afterward as the Mavs survived, 89-82, for their ugliest victory of the season. Few things you can't count on in sports. But the Mavs beating the Bobcats is one of them. Dallas is now 17-1 all-time against Charlotte, the most lopsided series in the NBA. Unfortunately, the Mavs see them only once more this year and not until Feb. 11.

   *Click HERE to become a DFWSportatorium Member and access the rest of this story and the full site.


  1. Screw you Richie. I enjoyed reading your tidbits for free but $5 a month. Really???

  2. What a steal! Only $4.95?!?! For an AfflictionBro that not only got fired from legit Sports writing...but also got canned from "Sports radio" (or whatever TheFan claims to be)?!?! HOW FAST CAN I SIGN UP?!

  3. WHAT?! THE WHAT?! Dumb dumb dumb! Hope u got a good deal on that coke cooler you were selling because I highly doubt you will get any to buy into this ”pay to read” idea of yours.



    Negative D

  4. I think this idea for a subscription to read the Sportatorium might go under the same category as "Dez Bryant out for season".


  5. You're joking, right?

  6. C'mon guys. Ease up just a bit. Do you go to your jobs every day and work for free?

    1. Hello, have you seen the ads on this site?

    2. And your point is?

    3. My local internet provider is the only "fee" I pay, to enjoy the use of the internet. I have never paid anybody to read their blogs/websites, etc.

      I hope the best for Richie, I enjoy his work, on the radio and through his blog, but I'm not paying for it. Sorry, money is tight, and five bucks here and five bucks there, adds up!

  7. Yeah, pretty disappointed with this move. I have always enjoyed your opinions/views and been an avid reader, but there's just no way for me to justify a monthly outlay for your site. Hate to loose it, but this just seems like a money grab, it's not like your site is devoid of advertising or anything...

    If you decide against this I'll be back, but otherwise I'm out. Best of luck!

  8. I always looked forward to checking out the newest Whitt's End and especially the monthly ratings. However, there is absolutely no way I can justify spending 5 dollars a month for the content provided. Bring in more writers, more in depth stories, and fantasy help and then I'll think about it. Come to think of it, I'll spend two dollars a month less and get ESPN Insider which comes with a magazine.

  9. Oh my fucking God. I deleted the link out of favorites many moons ago with his bashing of the Frisco Gun Club (among his other twisted liberal bullshit), but had to come back one more time to see this train wreck. Somebody on this site, and I ain't naming names, is punch-fucking-drunk. And it only stands to reason the last "free" blog announced investment opportunities in pizza. I wish I had a way to make a claim for the surgery I'm going to need to repair my split side from laughing so hard. And I'll leave (for very last time) with this: A fool and his money are soon parted.

    Please follow Whitt and his blog success at Don't be a stranger.

  10. Man, Richie not cool. Been following you for years, but this might be it for me. Please reconsider the fees just to read your blog. If not, good luck with everything.

  11. Seriously, folks, its $5 a MONTH. You won't even notice it. If you do then you're right, you probably shouldn't be paying for this then. Otherwise get over it, its not a big deal. And greedy? Really? No one else works for free, why should Richie??

    1. Maybe I'm not "in the know", or spend a great deal of time, on the internet, but please give me an example of other blogs/websites, besides gaming or porn, that you have to PAY for? "Sign up", yes, but pay a monthly fee??

    2. Who pays for porn these days?

    3. @anonymous 12:14: Are you crazy?! You are paying for porn?!

  12. OK, Grantland, which employs Pulitzer Prize winners, is FREE, but people are going to pay to read the blog of a writer who last wrote for a for-money paper in Ft. Worth, Texas? I think I pay just twice this for my online Wall St. Journal, which is the financial paper of record for the United States, and employs writers whose phone numbers start with 212. They are top of the heap, A-number-1 elite, there's a couple dozen of them, and I get all of them for 100 a year, or thereabouts? Richie, your writing is consistently good, your have some funny ideas, and it's fun to watch the comment-section melee's when you spout liberal talking points, but seriously, you are being poorly advised by someone.

  13. Today's Not: Stick of Glue.

    Good Luck buddy.

  14. Has this site been hacked by Greggo?

  15. I wonder why RW hasn't reply any comments... He'll probably want to charge for his replies too... AT LEAST GREGGO NEVER FELL SO LOW... TO ASK FOR MONEY TO THE FANS !!!

  16. I said it yesterday, this site with the daily whitts end is stale. And now you magically come out and expect people to pay for it. You have 1 story/opinion on this site worth reading, The Hard Lie 2, the rest is just dumb dribble not thought out filth spewed from your mouth. I can't honestly believe you'd expect people to pay for this.

  17. RW enjoy your writing and visiting the site everyday. I understand why you would do this because everyone's time is worth something. That being said I will not pay $5 a month for it. Good luck to you sir.

  18. Adios, Mofo.

  19. Hey Sybil.....Did you Co-Sign on this????

    1. I told him if he would eat my ass hole for a month straight I'd back him on this and he agreed! So, I am all on the paywall baby! I feel bad too, b/c last night when he was in my ass I sharted a little in his mouth. Woopsie.

    2. All-hail , King Richie

  20. I will admit... I actually look forward to reading your opinions on the many topics you write about. But, I have to agree with the majority of people on here not willing to pay $5/month to continue reading. It's not that $5 is alot of money, it's just that there are other place where I can get more bang for my buck. The timing for this move is kinda awkward too... you've got alot of readers and you risk losing at least 50% if not more with this decision. That, in turn, can negatively affect your pizza business which i like, I just urge you to really think about this. I mean... here today, gone tomorrow... people will move on.

    Cheers Richie

  21. Comments re paywall: all, comments re whitts end: 0. #fail

  22. Why would I pay $5 a month for something where most of your points are just rehashed from tweets you posted the day before?

  23. Will $5 get me more pics of Sybil's booty..........if so I might consider it.

  24. I appreciate all the feedback. And, as I wrote, I fully expected most of it to be negative in the beginning. It's your hard-earned 25 cents a weekday. And if you don't think my offerings are worth that, I totally respect your decision to not sign up. For those that are signing up, thanks for your support. Onward and upward.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'll defend the dude on this one.

      Over the years he has taken a world record amount of nut kicking, and with the exception of when he was with CBS (which I think was probably them and not him), he has taken each and every kick to the crotch without censor squat.

      You may be able to accuse him of a lot of things, but having thin skin isn't one of them.

  26. Long time lurker, first time poster.


    As (many) other posters have pointed out, you have completely misjudged this launch. You should have:

    1. Improved the content
    2. Dumped the Web 1.0 interface
    3. Asked for donations (I would have PayPal'd $20
    4. Profit (or at least survive)

    I get trying to monetize your work - but your not paying attention if you think people will pay $5 per month for snippets and quick hits. I pay $7 per month for Netflix and slightly more than that for the NYT - that is real content that I can't get anywhere else.

    Good luck - you really should have eased into this.

    It's not too late - park the ego, admit you screwed up, ask for forgiveness - and present a business case why we should contribute.


    1. He'd have better luck parking the space shuttle in Times Square...

  27. Pay $$ to hear you ass-kiss Obama??????????????????????? Nope!

  28. Layoff of Greggo's meds Richie.

    I couldn't have said it any better than Lloyd. I would have been glad to donate if Richie needed help getting the site infrastructure and content updated. I looked forward to Whitt's End every day. Put the ego aside Richie and admit this probably wasn't the best idea. I mean it's your site so you can do whatever the hell you want with it however I will miss it because I will not be paying any monthly fee regardless of the amount. I realize Richie predicted the negative responses however one would think that he would rethink this whole idea based on the percentage of negative vs positive. People are trying to help you Richie. The only reason for all the negative feedback is because you've established a following based on your talent. Don't ignore the majority of your audience!!!

  29. King of the socialists is trying a little capitalism. Good luck w that. Hypocrit.

  30. Bottom line is Richie don't give a shit about his readers. Blogs don't make money. His advertisers don't pay much. Just look at the adds, 1 is his own Pizza Buzz, 2 is Blue Star blog which he contributes to, 3 is Pollo Compero which is a friend, so now we are down to maybe 3 actual paying sponsors.

    So it comes down to a numbers game. 1 mil page views last month. Lets be very generous and say his 14k twitter followers read the site for a total of 71 page views a piece per month. So 14k potential customers. If he gets 1k to pay $5 month for 1 year, he would net $60,000.

    This has to be his thinking. Very Jew of him, but blogs don't make good money much less shitty ones, so I guess it is worth a try in his mind. Problem is it makes him look even more like a douche and will alienate much of his following. Also reeks of desperation.

    And no way he gets 1k people to subscribe month in month out.

    1. There are other sites for bigots like you that are free.

  31. the fan had a 2.1 for November, the ticket had 2.0

    1. nope, google it

    2. It's football season. The Fan is "The Home of the Cowboys". Be interesting to see if the ratings hold up after football.

  32. for 4.95 a month , you would need to be way more controversial on your topics. right now, I'm somewhere between $0.75, and $1.50

  33. You're going to realize that all of those hits on this site won't happen at $5 a month. I pay my ISP, not going to pay to visit websites too.

  34. Anon 10:17pm --- You have to add the 1310AM ticket performance with the 96.7FM. They are on two signals now.

  35. overall 12+ numbers are utterly meanaingless anyway
