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Thursday, December 5, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.5.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *With Lance Dunbar out for the season, it's time for DeMarco Murray to play like an elite running back. But, wait, he already is. While you were bemoaning and degrading Murray as an oft-injured underachiever, look what he went out and did. He leads the NFL in yards-per-carry at 4.9 and is on pace for 1,115 yards, which would be the best season by a Cowboys' running back since Emmitt Smith in 2000. For the Cowboys to survive December, Murray needs to pull the sleigh. And there's evidence right under our cold noses that's he fully prepared to do just that.

   *I'm thoroughly entertained by - and not at all surprised by - the comments criticizing my move to monetizing this here corner of the blogosphere. One of the biggest reasons for the decision? ...

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  1. Some sites charge for 'insider' type Baseball Prospectus,, etc... You are largely providing opinions, while covering the site in advertisements. You've already whored out your Twitter account to Pizza Buzz.

    Explain yourself, or we will assume greed is the primary driver. Give us a reason to think otherwise.

    Your brand is you, not the blog. And both are losing value.

    1. Charging for this blog will definitely not work in the long run. He's left no way for new readers to even see what they're subscribing to so there's no way anyone not already reading the site would subscribe. The people already reading the site who do subscribe will dwindle over time.

      Overall, a poor idea and perfect way to alienate existing readers/fans.

  2. Richie,
    For those of us on the fence about the new pay wall, teasing us with that second paragraph is counter-productive. If you have your reasons, lay it out for us, let us know them. Maybe some folks will reconsider.

    Also, the $1.66 per month math proposed yesterday does work out when you have a large user base. In a city this large, surely you should be able to get a couple thousand of us to fork out that amount. I would want to just pay an annual fee instead of a monthly one. I know it should not matter, but that's just how I would do it.

    1. I don't know this for sure, but I'll take a stab at it.

      It takes money to host this thing. It also takes time and energy. He's probably not making enough money from sponsors to cover it, so he has to try this if it's going to continue.

      Again, I don't begrudge the dude for it, I just don't find his content worth $60/yr.

    2. The blog is powered by Blogger (Google) which is free. But to use blogger he would have to have the annoying added to end of the URL. So, to use his own domain of he has to have it hosted by someone like A one year hosting subscription is somewhere in the neighborhood of $22/year. So the hosting $ isn't the issue, it's his time and energy as you noted above Rooster. And

  3. I'm fine with just reading what's available.

  4. "One of the biggest reasons for the decision? ..." -- most classless stunt yet with this paywall disaster. People who have followed you and provided their support in building this community now have to pay money to find out why you did it. No explanation for all? Shesh, your just treating your followers like sheep.

  5. Hey guys, we need to stop. His blog is still getting page hits. Because we are hanging to see what he will say next. He is still winning.

    1. Don't worry people will just stick around for a bit to complain and see if it's going to change back. The amount of people will get smaller and smaller over the next few weeks and months until there's only a couple hundred people visiting.

    2. Also, he's not making money off these page hits anyway--that's why he put up his paywall.

    3. Like someone pointed out yesterday, the advertisers/page hits doesn't really provide much income. Hell, if it did, why charge a monthly fee? RW just starves for attention..he knows he can get the comments stirring with something like this, just like he does with radio gossip.

    4. They can, trust me -- it all depends on how much traffic a website gets. If Mr. Witt was using Google Adsense and/or other pay-per-click advertising, he could make a lot or $$$ if his traffic is high; if not, no or little $$$. I've had a website for over 15 years and have made very good money some years, and OK money others. I'm still hoping RW gives that sort of advertising a try. And frankly, by putting up a pay wall, he's probably not going to grow his site. Regardless, I wish him luck...but still not paying the $5.

      Bill from Tomball

    5. If I truly was starved for attention why would I erect a fence that I know will keep most of you out?

  6. Paying for nothing?? Twitt you got nothing and never did. Get a job and charge someone else... not the educated public. What value do you sell? You are a Twitt

    1. So he wants to get paid for his work on the blog and you tell him to get a job? How about you getting and education....

    2. an education or and education?

    3. I'm just happy he's finally using two t's on Twitt. Bravo.

  7. Good try but still nope. Richie relly does think he's gotten too big to fail. Your latest tease ("One of the biggest reasons for the decision?) despite all of the feedback you received yesterday leads me to believe your financial situation is more desperate than anyone realized. Maybe he's tired of this blog and this is his way of throwing in the towel without having to say "I quit". Who knows however, I will still be around if you ever decide to publishing your content for free just like 99% of all other bloggers. I will not pay a dime no matter how big a tease.

    1. I charge a quarter, not a dime. But I respect your opinion.

    2. He said, "he wouldn't pay a dime...". That means a quarter would totally be out of the question. Easy cliché to grasp... bad retort there Richard.

  8. You may consider Galveston Island instead of Bora Bora if you are that hard up for cash!

    1. if he's needing the money this bad, he might need to pick an island out on lake lewisville

    2. Richie, kudos for taking all these assholes to task lol. Not sure why everybody is acting like such a d*ck. If you don't want to pay..don't pay. Be a man about it, not a whiny little rick with a p. Haven't decided if I'm gonna pay...might need a teaser of what the content will be like if I do.

  9. I wouldn't pay 5 cents for life to read this blog. This proves once and for all that your are the shithead I always deemed you to be. Hit the pavement and get some more advertisers you lazy SOB.

    1. Wait, because I want to be paid for my work makes me a "shithead"? You may refuse to join my site and that's cool. But a "shithead" seems a tad strong.

    2. Wanting to get paid doesn't make you a "shithead". Thinking you will get paid for the level of content you provide for the price you are asking makes you a "shithead".

  10. "greed is the primary driver." --No, stupidity and douchiness are the primary drivers. Instead of reading this, I'll just hit Grantland, which is staffed and edited by some of the best writers in the world, some of whom have won Pulitzer Prizes for absolutely free, not a dime. When I want Rangers stuff, I can read Newberg's in-depth work for absolutely free. I've never hit a paywall at Sports Illustrated online. Anyone can replace the off-hand commentary on the Cowboys and local culture provided here at any of a thousand other local-guy blogs, again for free. Check that mic, Richie. It's unplugged, pal. Nothing sadder than broadcasting to nobody. Are you going to force Blue Star to pay-wall your posts there, as well? Really, call them and ask for that. 500 bucks someone over there calls an ambulance for you because they'll think you had a seizure.

    To believe people will pay for this blog is either to be trapped in the mid-1990's (I took lots of meetings like that from '94-2000) or to somehow believe that your stuff is better than all the free blogs and commentary sites in the whole world. That is what they call hubris. Richie, seriously, go read some of the work at Grantland. Much of it is major monthly-glossy-magazine-cover-story worthy, and you don't need to be an insider, a subscriber, or a VIP member to read it. If the Hardline started a daily blog very few would pay for it, and they are major media stars in this market. You are a minor media guy whose main business these days is pizza, not the media.

    Your media presence and audience can be a driver for other stuff you're trying to do, it's a great selling point for other media engagements, like radio hosting gigs, and you can monetize the audience if you build it and keep it involved and growing, but you can't use it at all if you drive 95% of it away.

    1. "Douchiness"... always loved that word, thank you.

    2. You are a minor media guy whose main business these days is pizza, not the media.
      Great Quote !!!

    3. I've always kinda shrugged at "hey, everybody's doing it this way!" and tried it the other way. But thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

  11. Just what I have been waiting for! A poorly designed "blog" where I get to pay a monthly fee for some exclusive HSO's from some schmuck that works at a struggling pizza joint!

    1. So dumbass, you cam to this "poorly designed "blog"" to bitch. Who's stupid?

    2. Are you kidding?! I'm pumped for this!! For only $5 a month, I can get all the "What.The.What"'s & "JoCoMoFo"'s...that's money well spent! I don't need a fancy schmancy site like Grantland or Deadspin, or even those Yahoo Blogs..I don't need insight like Newberg or Sturm for free! Besides, those guys don't wear ripped jeans...that's a dealbreaker.

    3. "Who's stupid?" asks the guy who can't spell "came." ...

    4. I find it amusing that when my content is free you visit daily and comment and are generally satisfied. When my content costs 25 cents a day suddenly I'm a "schmuck who works at a struggling pizza joint" and my content is flatly unreadable. Ah, perspective.

  12. Here is the thing, I understand what Richie is doing. I have ran several websites and ad revenue is tuff. But that being said, Richie covers the Cowboys and the Mavericks over on nbc's blog, which is free and I'm sure Richie gets paid for, and due to that Richie can't cover them on his website. So that leaves Rangers and Stars (yeah right). If Richie covers all the sports in Dallas, I'll be glad to pay the $4.99 month. But just Whitt's End with a little Rangers and Radio Stories in-between, that’s tuff. Richie has always been the man of the people, so I am surprised he did this :'-(

    1. Appreciate the support, but you are way incorrect. Yes, I blog for Cowboys and Mavs for NBC. But it doesn't keep me from covering them on here. And I don't know about "man of the people." If you've ever actually met me I guarantee I was approachable and friendly, but that moniker might be a tad much.

  13. Y'all do know he world for nbc 5 now as a writer. He owns pizza buzz . If y'all don't like him at all then don't pay, it's that easy. If you want to read it then pay. it's a bad decision, he will learn on his own.

  14. "...adversity doesn't build character, it reveals character." - Daryl 'Moose' Johnston

    1. Do you really think Moose gets credit for that quote? And do you really think only single quotes go around a nickname like "Moose"?

    2. And do you really think who gets credit or application of quotes has anything to do with the point of that comment?

  15. I'm only coming here to read the comments now.

    1. That's all I ever come here for...and to watch another alcoholic's downward spiral.

    2. Me too, I've liked the RW for years. May not agree with everything he sees right, but everyone has their own opinions. But I feel like a friend kicked me in the nuts and now wants my lunch money. Good riddance RW

      (Sybil, better reconsider...)

    3. The comments in here will always be free. And, yeah, you're probably right, Sybil's reconsidering marrying me because I'm profiting from my blog. Deal-breaker.

  16. I can't believe you did this. I enjoyed your blog, but it should be free like all the others. For you to start it out free, then ask for money, shows me your not a very good person. Your writing ability is very good, but your people skills are terrible.

    1. So, in your opinion, I should've started out as a pay site, built my audience, and then turned it into a free site? Fascinating business model.


  18. Let's tally these comment topics again today. Comments re Whitts End: 0, comments re paywall: all. Here's an idea, make the content free but charge $4.95/mo to post comments!

  19. I challenge an actual subscriber to post the answer to the "one of the biggest reasons" tease.

  20. Does anyone else find the comments section more entertaining than the actual content?

    1. Maybe ya'll should start your own blog! Yeah, for freeeeeee. Do it.

    2. Do you really think that's where the apostrophe goes?

  21. Failure Jesus has struck the sportatorium!

  22. Hey B.T., you got mentioned on the Ticket yesterday. Granted, they were discussing twits who report/spread inaccurate information...but hey, way to get your name on the airwaves again!

    1. Then I assume they mentioned your name too.

  23. Obviously $5/month isn't the issue here, it's the principle of the whole thing. Had you mentioned this plan to loyal readers in the beginning maybe you wouldn't have had such a negative response.

    1. Agreed, I'd have gladly paid 5$, even 10$ a month to come here. It's just the slap in the face... pay up now or bail... I don't need you here anyway... kind of way he went about it that gets me. In the end it's his site, I just think he showed us some true colors of what he thinks of his readers.
