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Monday, December 9, 2013

WHITT'S END: 12.9.13

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Craziest day we've seen in the NFL in a looooong time on Sunday afternoon. Not only did the Eagles and Lions stimulate us visually by playing in six inches of snow ...

   *Let's get something straight as we head down the stretch in the NFL: Teams control their destination, not their destiny ...

   *Okay, I admit, I was wrong. About ...

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  1. Sorry but I had to take you off my Bookmark page. I just can't see paying $$$ for 5 columns a week. Let me know when you have more content and I will probably sign up....Tom

  2. Was expecting to read that you were wrong about the paywall. You got me Richie.

    1. Don't tell me you are a paying customer? Fool

  3. Hey Richie I'll come clean up the trees in your yard, but it will cost you $4.95 for each limb removed.

  4. It doesn't make sense to pay $1/column. If you had inside info or even a unique insight into the local sports scene, maybe I could understand it. I'll keep my money if all your dishing out is ratings analysis and snarky opinions.

  5. Is this real? Are you really wanting people to pay? Or, are you wanting people to keep clicking to see if you stopped charging? Either way, you're an idiot. I am outta here. Enjoyed it while I could.

  6. Get rid of all these f-ing ads all over the page, and then we'll talk.

    1. My ads don't pop up. If you don't like 'em, don't click 'em. Pretty easy I'd think.

  7. Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?

  8. I'm guessing 100 paying customers.

    100 x $4.95 = $495.00/month

    Damn, you must be hard up for some cash Richie.

    1. Shutting out most of his readers to pay the electric bill. Nicely done.

    2. You say I'm hard up for cash, yet you're the one unwilling to pay .25 a weekday for something you clearly like. Interesting.

    3. As a broke college student on a ramen budget... That is a couple of meals! I like reading your stuff, but not gonna pay for your .02... Sorry man!

  9. Since no one is commenting on what RW is writing (hhmm, wonder why), lets talk about his favorite sports radio station! Norm & GreyWolf seem likely to hang it up before the other guys..who takes their spots? Sturm has the sports knowledge for afternoon drive, and his shift with Corby for WhiteElephant was actually pretty great.

    Also, tons of second tier talent waiting in the wings. Sirios, JakeZ, SeaBass....I wouldn't mind ShakeJoint from 12-3..

    1. They'll probably move guys up the ranks, but don't send folks off to the retirement home too quick. As long as the ratings stay up, these guys will make very, very nice money for a job that isn't likely to become too physically or mentally taxing for them to do as they age. I know lawyers working full-bore in their 70's. In certain disciplines and at certain Universities, where the pay is high, you've got Profs working in their 80's these days. Hard to leave that much money on the table and a gig that good. Especially one you can do in jorts and flip flops.

      We just might see these guys around for a good while. I, for one, would be just fine if the line-up never changed at all. I get good laughs out of the thing while I'm driving in traffic, or riding the stationary bike, and they don't charge me a penny for it. No complaints at all.

  10. Enjoyed our stuff but can't pay for it. Poor college student. $5 isn't a ton but I was hoping you made enough off ads to not have to do this!

  11. I have all the answers to the questions each commentators has posted. You can read all the details.....

  12. Ticket discussion on rw's comments is a great idea.

    DF Shoopy

  13. Hey RW quick question so since your charging $4.95 per month for this content that leads me to believe that you think your content is more valuable than what ESPN charges for it's insider information (one can access that for as low as $2.50). Would you say you feel your content is of more value than ESPN's? Keeping in mind that ESPN has multiple insiders in every single major sport. Just wondering.

  14. Who is Line Four Guy?

    --Line Three Guy
