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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

WHITT'S END: 2.18.14

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *He's been to rehab. Been arrested. Gotten divorced. Banished overseas. We ready to call it even? ...

   *Texas Giant about to be gigantic loss for Six Flags because ...

   *The latest on the present - and future - of Pizza Buzz is ...

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  1. I'll tell you everything going on in my life, but only if you're willing to pay to listen. Sorry Bitch Tits, I wouldn't pay to hear the thoughts of any member of my family, let alone the ramblings of a 50 something white guy who got in over his head selling pizza of all things....

  2. One Whitty Observation -- free of charge:
    E.W.W.'s adventures on the toilet are more fun to read than anything RW has to write about Jerry's futile attempts to get The Cowboys _out_ of the sh*tter

    1. That's probably because you burger slinging brain can handle more than that.

    2. Very rarely visit this site anymore if ever. Stopped with his pay wall. And wasn't very fond of his show. But looks like I was fortunate enough to catch your comment this go around. Not sure what kind of piece of shit family raised you, or what level of education you don't have, or even if you have the capability of contributing to society, but your comment regarding his wife is not only way, way over the line, I hope it puts you to the front of the line on the first bus to hell. What a pathetic asshole living a miserable life you must be. And no, I'm not a friend of this blogger nor do I know his wife, but I do know what a low life is, and you are lower than that. If only your friends and family (if you even have any) could see you now.

  3. Hey Richie. How's your anonymous posting going?

  4. It's Pizza Buzz open today ???
    Trying to put a $400 dlls catering order...
    NOT !!!!!!!

  5. This in from the dark side.....*As of Monday morning Pizza Buzz is temporarily closed, pending a change of ownership. You don't have to be a rocket scientist nor a savvy restaurateur to figure it out: Me and my partner have been approached with an offer we can't refuse. To me owning a restaurant was always a business, and never a dream.

    1. So why close? total BS

    2. They couldn't make payroll or pay the suppliers. Probably got put on "cash-only" when they fell behind, and realized the partners were going to have to come out of pocket for payroll, and they said "Nuh-uh!" That's the ONLY reason to close down pending a sale, unless the sale is between loony-bin residents. (Or where the seller is broke) Why are you going to voluntarily fore-go income while the due diligence gets done, and the closing is negotiated and arranged. For a concept with a liquor license of any kind, the process takes even longer. They haven't even been open long enough to get that done! So, someone wanted to buy it out before they even turned the ovens on? Riiiight, Richie!

    3. Something was amiss when the call for investors went out a couple of months ago. This was a red flag of the highest order.

      The daily beating on both Twitters about specials-specials that appeared to be made up on the fly. Then, the pizza Tweets disappeared.

      Ideas always look good on paper. However, when put into practical application in the real world, a lot of them fail.

      I am sure someone with money to burn made them an offer to get out from under the problems that occur with most new businesses-when the initial capital runs out, the business has a hard time surviving.

      Closing down pending the sale of said venture smacks of the buyer making sure that equipment, furnishings, fixtures and product does not magically disappear.

      If the buyer offers a dollar more than what the original group had in the place, then yes, they made out with more than they invested. This smacks more of an opportunity to get out from under an albatross with their credit still somewhat intact and their bank accounts not totally bled dry.

      Another gig down the drain for Little Richie.

    4. He is so full of shit. If this wasn't a dream then why was he planning on opening two more stores this year? Can't wait for the 5 part piece on how this partner screwed him. Wait, I don't subscribe, never mind.

    5. If in fact the Buzz is being sold, everything you guys are saying stands true. You wouldn't shut down pending a sale. And the website pretty much confirms the store is closed. The requests for investors, the store expansions, the 'I have a dream' mantra...all pretty questionable as you guys point out.

      Number 1 issue all start ups have as anon 4:44pm points out is capital...or the lack thereof. You don't account for at least 2 years of non-profit you're making a huge mistake. Took me 2 1/2 years to turn a profit, but I factored that in and slept in the back of a truck to make damn sure I could pull it off.

      This does smack of a Hail Mary to mitigate financial losses. But seriously guys. We were talking pizza and very over-priced alcohol. A very competitive market, as RW has come to realize.

      As we all know though, he's not kidding anyone. This will be a loss for him. Hopefully lessons learned and he can come up with something better.

      Side story. Had a guy open a business next to mine. Get this: indoor golf driving/putting range with simulators (yeah, like the one's at Dave & Buster's). Indoor driving range...driving balls against a Texas...where guys golf outside year round regardless of weather. Guy lost $250K. Some guys, no matter how many times you tell them it's not a good idea, are going to do it anyway. Just the way it is.....

    6. While I don't buy for a minute if this venture was making money it would still be open (been involved in the due diligence process way too many times not to know better), it's not that unusual for a failing venture to be sold.

      Just because RW and his partner may not have had the experience to compete successfully in the hyper-competitive pizza industry, doesn't mean they couldn't come up with a concept a more experienced restauranteur could make work, and sell it to him at a profit as a result.

      I was around when he talked about the "dream", and additional locations, so I also don't buy for a minute this was the plan all along. (That, and I never thought the dude had the business acumen to think that far ahead.) My guess is he learned what any of us who have owned our own business learned - when it comes time to make payroll that week, your dreams and ideology often have a conflict with reality.

      If I had to take a wild stab at the truth - I'd say they got into it, realized it was a lot more competitive than they thought, were undercapitalized, have a chance to get out, and are taking it.

  6. Lol...bitch tits is trying to play it off like its nothing. You lost bt, just admit it. Or at least say it in your free "tease"...

  7. Maybe he didnt need that BORA BORA/ South Pacific honeymoon package. Hurts to miss that one...

  8. The ass-wipe making the Sybil comments is outta line. I'm a big Richie basher that thinks he needs to show a little humility, but thats not called for. Richie puts up with a lot on these comments, probably a lot more than any of us would!

  9. Nope, not Richie! Just a guy that knows when somebody goes too far. I've felt Richie is an immature douchebag that deserves a lot of the nut kicking, so lets's limit the "immaturity" to Richie!

  10. It's satisfying to see bitch tits struggle after all the shit he was talking before it opened...just admit you failed, drop the paywall, and let's all be black friends...

  11. Dudes. It's one thing to kick Richie in the nuts, another to bag on his wife.

    Although I never found his content to be worth $60/yr, I previously had been following his blogs since the Observer days. Believe me, he can...and has...taken any amount of nut kicking you can dish out. I have been a member of the RW nut-kicking club in the past, and on occasion he has kicked nuts back if he was bored enough. He spoons it in as well as he dishes it out.

    With that being said, picking on the dude's wife is just bitch-ass. Seriously.

  12. Wild speculation? Sure. Rooting for me to fail professionally and even personally? Okay, no biggie. But vulgar attacks on my wife and throwing around the N-word? Nope. Won't be tolerated. Not on this blog - free, pay or otherwise. Peace be with y'all.
