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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

WHITT'S END: 2.19.14

      Whether you're at the end of your coffee, your day, your week or even your rope, welcome to Whitt's End:

   *Fans of the English language rejoice, your NFL Sundays just got more coherent ...

   *Cowboys win! At the dumbest "game" in all of sports ...

   *I found the funniest TV commercial of 2014 ...

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  1. Anyone feel like starting the conversation from yesterday on this thread? Because outside of page hits, we obviously can't read it...

  2. Good thing we can't read it.....I mean, what is there to read? The tired and juvenile white truck Wednesday? His narcissistic honeymoon saga? And otherwise very obvious and well-knows observations? No wonder this guy got shit-canned from the Fan, although he blamed it on someone else of course. That's what narcissists do.

  3. Fired: Star Telegram, Observer, Fan. Starts a pizza business?! Has to sell.

    Do you like your gig, Rich?

  4. Another thing I find interesting....So Richie is this big lefty/liberal/Obama-loving dude-brah, right? He's down for the working man, and so forth, right? Why would such a person allow his business to shut down, pending a sale, which throws all the employees out of work? Sounds like a Republican move to me. Me profit, you get nothing! Next thing we'll find out Richie keeps a gun in his house to protect his family!

  5. Wild speculation? Sure. Rooting for me to fail professionally and even personally? Okay, no biggie. But vulgar attacks on my wife and throwing around the N-word? Nope. Won't be tolerated. Not on this blog - free, pay or otherwise. Peace be with y'all.
