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Saturday, March 1, 2014


   Good news: As of today, March 1, DFWSportatorium is free.
   Bad news: It will also be infrequent.
   I thank you guys for buying memberships and supporting me, but recently my blogging time has drastically dwindled. With NBC graciously upping its ante on my writing, I'm now blogging there three times daily. And last week I also commenced some media consulting for an Internet start-up in North Dallas.
   If I find time I'll write a Whitt's End on a Friday and perhaps sprinkle in a column or some radio news here and there, but as of now I don't have the time to make DFWSportatorium a daily commitment.
   Canceling your recurring monthly membership can be done quickly and easily at PayPal, and of course I'll refund any payments that slip through the cracks to me from here forward.
   You can still read me at NBC 5, where I'll blog daily on all things CowboysRangers and Mavs. And you can keep up with my casual ramblings on Twitter @RichieWhitt.
   Thanks again.
   And don't be a stranger.

1 comment:

  1. I hardly EVER watch the is depressing!!!... God forbid they told the amazing good news that I am positive happens all over the world, although that isn't interesting enough it seems these days...5 car up and 10 people extra newsworthy this days...No news is good news, therefore if everything is good and nothing bad happened, Do My Essay - MakeMyEssay when there will be no news.
